Destination Moon

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Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »


This is actually the comic adaptation of the 1950 movie, which I enjoyed too.

Page 3

In this day of wondrous science, we have jet planes that exceed the speed of fleet sound itself!

Hodiē, scientiam mīrantēs, habēmus āeronāvēs, quæ sonum superant!

Σήμερον, θαυμάζοντες τὴν ἐπιστήμην, ἔχομεν ᾱ̓εροσκάφη μὲν τὸν ἦχον ὑπερβάλλοντα.

We have rockets that pierce the sky for hundreds of miles!

Radiōs autem igniferōs, quī per cælum īnfīnīta mīllia trānseunt!

Πῡραύλους δὲ διερχομένους διὰ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ μῡρία στάδια.

And we have atomic energy at our fingertips, a giant of power!

Vim autem nucleārem nōbīs subjectam, excellentissimam potestātem!

Τὴν δὲ πῡρηνικὴν ἐνέργειαν ἡμῖν ὑποτεταγμένην, δύναμιν κρατίστην οὖσαν.

But what is in store for mankind tomorrow?

Quid vērō hominibus crās fīet?

Τί δὴ τοῖς ἀνθρώποις αὔριον γενήσεται;

Will he soon soar away from Earth into the limitless reaches of outer space?

Sūrsumne mox ā Terrā in īnfīnītum spatium ināne ferentur?

Ἆρ' αὐτίκ' ἀνοισθήσονται ἀπὸ τῆς Γῆς εἰς τὸ ἄπειρον κενὸν διάστημα;

Four courageous men attempt to answer this thrilling question as they blaze an interplanetary travel, rocketing into the unknown with… Destination Moon!

Quattuor virī fortēs ad hujusmodī quæstiōnem rēspondēre cōnantur, quī viam inter planētās signant, radiō in incognitum vehuntur, in Lūnam nāvigant.

Τέσσαρες δ' ἄνδρες ἀγαθοὶ πειρῶνται ἀποκρῑ́νασθαι πρὸς τοιοῦτο ἐρώτημα, σημειῶντες μὲν ὀδὸν διὰ τῶν πλανήτων, πορευόμενοι δ' ἐπὶ πῡραύλου εἰς τὸ ἄγνωστον, πλέοντες δ' εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Page 4

Somewhere in a barren western desert..

A detour?

In dēsertō alicubi occidentis āridō.


Ἐν ἐρήμῳ που τῶν δυσμῶν ξηρᾷ τινι.


Warning! Closed Area. All traffic prohibited! By order of the United States Army


πεδίου κλειστοῦ καὶ
πᾶσιν ἀδιαπορεύτου.
κελεύσει τοῦ η.π. στρατοῦ.

Yes, Sir! The army is trying out a new rocket experiment in this area tonight! Sorry, but you can’t go in!

Etiam, domne! Exercitus enim experīmentum novī radiī hāc noctū in campō agit! Doleō quod tibi inīre nōn licet.

Ναί, κῡ́ριε. Ὁ γὰρ στρατὸς καθ' ἑσπέραν ἐν τῷ πεδίῳ λαμβάνει πεῖραν καινοῦ πῡραύλου. Ἀλγῶ ὅτ' οὐκ ἔξεστί σοι εἰσιέναι.

Within the forbidden area all is ready!

Firing time in two minutes! Stand by!

In campō interdictō omnia parāta sunt!

Mittitur in duo minūta! Astāte!

Ἐν τῷ ἀπηγορευμένῳ πεδίῳ πάντα παρεσκεύασται.

Ἀφίεται εἰς δύο λεπτά. Παράστητε.

We’re safe in this concrete observation post even if the rocket explodes!But let’s hope our space satellite rocket succeeds in reaching an altitude of twelve thousand miles above earth!

Tūtī sumus in speculā cæmenticiā hāc, etiamsi radius ignifer displōdātur. Perveniat autem radius noster cum satellite artificiōsō ad altitūdinem centum mīlium stadiōrum super Terram!

Ἀσφαλεῖς ἐσμεν ἐν ταύτῃ τῇ σκῡρώδει σκοπῇ, εἰ καὶ ὁ πῡ́ραυλος ἐκραγείη. Ἀφῑ́κοιτο δ' ὁ πῡ́ραυλος ἡμῶν ἔχων δορυφόρον τεχνητὸν εἰς ὕψος δέκα μῡρίων σταδίων ὑπὲρ τῆς Γῆς.

Inside the blockhouse, all is tense as the zero moment approaches!

Αnimīs omnium intrā turrim intentīs, appropinquat discrīmen!

Πάντων ἐν τῷ πύργῳ τὸν νοῦν προσεχόντων, ἐπέρχεται ἡ ἀκμή.

One minute to go! 59 seconds, 58, 57!

Ūnum minūtum usque ad missiōnem! LIX secunda, LVIII, LVII!

Ἓν λεπτὸν μέχρι ἀφέσεως. νθ' δευτερόλεπτα, νη', νζ'.

Two men are most anxious of all, Prof Charles Cargraves, eminent scientist, and General Thayer, retired Army officer!

Duo autem maximē omnium sollicitantur, professor Carolus Gæsoscrobis, dē nātūrā rērum perītus, et præfectus mīlitiæ ēmeritus Depstor.

Δύο δὲ μάλιστα ἁπάντων ἀνιᾶσθον, καθηγητὴς Κάρολος Γαισόταφρος, ὁ ἐπιστήμων περὶ φύσεως, καὶ ἀποστράτηγος τοῦ στρατοῦ Δέψης.

You designed and built the rocket, professor Cargraves! You’re the foremost living rocket expert! I’m glad I had you to help me!

Tū quidem, ō professor Gæsoscrobis, radium ā tē dēscrīptum fabricātus es, dē hīs rēbus perītissimus. Ego autem quod mē adjūvistī gaudeō.

Σὺ μέν, ὦ καθηγητὰ Γαισόταφρε, διαγράψας κατεσκευάσω τὸν πῡ́ραυλον, ἐμπειρότατος περὶ τούτων ὤν. Ἔγω δὲ χαίρω σοι συλλαβόντι μοι.

42 seconds, 41, 40, 39!

XLII secunda, XLI, XL, XXXIX!

μβ' δευτερόλεπτα, μα', μ', λθ'.


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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Page 5

But you conceived the original ideal, general Thayer! For years you told the army brass hats that a rocket satellite could be sent up to circle earth!

Sed tū animō prīmus rem concēpistī, præfecte Depstor! Quī diū aliīs mīlitiæ præfectīs dīcēbās satellitem artificiosum posse sūrsum missum Terram circuīre.

Ἀλλὰ σὺ πρῶτος τὴν ἔννοιαν ἔλαβες, στρατηγὲ Δέψη. Καὶ γὰρ πολὺν χρόνον τοῖς ἄλλοις στρατηγοῖς ἔλεγες ὅτι δορυφόρος τεχνητὸς ἀναπεμφθεὶς κύκλῳ περιίοι ἂν τὴν Γῆν.

They not only ignored you but retired you! We’ll prove you were right!

Istī quidem nōn sōlum tē contempsērunt sed dīmīsērunt. Nōs autem tē vēra dīxisse ostendēmus.

Οὗτοι μὲν οὐ μόνον κατεφρόνησαν σοῦ ἀλλὰ κατέλῡσαν σέ. Ἡμεῖς δὲ δείξομέν σε ἀληθῆ εἰπόντα.

24 seconds, 23, 22, 21, 20!

XXIV secunda, XXIII, XXII, XI, XX!

κδ' δευτερόλεπτα, κγ', κβ', καʹ, κ'.

But there is one other man vitally concerned in the thrilling project, Joe Sweeny of Brooklyn, USA!

Est autem et alius quī in hujusmodī cōnsiliō versātur, Jōsēphus Suāvis Brūclīnēnsis ē Cīvitātibus Fœderātīs Americæ.

Ἔστι δὲ καὶ ἄλλος τις διατρῑ́βων ἐν τοιαύτῃ τῇ γνώμῃ, Ἰώσηπος Ἡδὺς Βρουκλῑναῖος ἐκ τῶν Ἠνωμένων Πολῑτειῶν Ἀμερικῆς.

I’m the guy that pulls the switch and makes the rocket go! Boy, wait till they hear of this back in Brooklyn! I’ll be as famous as the Dodgers!

Ego sum vectiārius quī radium igniferum dīmittit. Hercule, cum hoc audīverint vīcīnī in Brūclīnō, habēbō nōmen quantum āthlētārum!

Ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ μοχλευτὴς ὁ ἀφιεὶς τὸν πῡ́ραυλον. Νὴ Δία, ὅταν τοῦτο ἀκούσωσιν οἱ ἐν Βρουκλῑ́νῃ γείτονες, ἕξω τοὔνομα ὅσον τῶν ἁθλητῶν.

11, 10, 8, 8, 7


ια', ι', θ', η', ζ',

Slow seconds drag to the final climax!

Lentē trahitur ad discrīmen tempus.

Βραδέως ἕλκεται ὁ χρόνος πρὸς τὴν ἀκμήν.

4, 3, 2, fire!

IV, III, II, missus!

δ', γ', β', ἀφείσθω.

Right on the nose!

Ē carceribus!

Ἀπὸ τῆς ἀφετηρίας.

There she goes!

Ecce, abit!

Ἰδού, ἀπέρχεται.

But suddenly…

The rocket exploded!


Subitō autem...

Radius displōsus est!


Ἐξαίφνης δέ...

Ὁ πῡ́ραυλος ἐξερράγη.


We failed, professor, failed!

But we’ll try again, general!

Rem male gessimus, ō professor!

Iterum autem tentēmus, ō præfecte!

Ἐπρᾱ́ξαμεν κακῶς, ὦ καθηγητά.

Ἀναπειρησόμεθα δ', ὦ στρατηγέ.

Will we? Where will we get the money and backing, professor? I won’t be able to wheedle another appropriation out of congress, not after this failure!

Itane? Unde nōbīs opēs, ō professor? Nōn enim poterō blandiendō aliam ā Congressū pecūniam parere, præsertim cum ista rēs male ēvēnerit!

Ἄληθες; Πόθεν ἡμῖν ἡ βοήθεια, ὦ καθηγητά; Οὐ γὰρ οἷός τ' ἔσομαι κολακεύων περιποιήσασθαι ἄλλα ἀπὸ τοῦ Συνεδρίου χρήματα, μάλιστα δ' ἐπεὶ τοῦτο τὸ πρᾶγμα κακῶς ἀπέβη.

Private industry will back us! You work that angle while I design a better rocket! We’re not licked yet!

Officīnārum possessōrēs nōbīs opitulentur. Tū igitur cūrā hoc. Ego autem præstantiōrem dēscrībam radium. Nōndum enim superātī sumus.

Οἱ ἐργαστηρίων κτήτορες βοηθήσουσιν ἡμῖν. Σὺ μὲν οὖν τούτου ἐπιμελοῦ. Ἐγὼ δὲ κρείσσω διαγράψω πῡ́ραυλον. Οὔπω γὰρ ἡσσήμεθα.


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Re: Destination Moon

Post by phalakros »

Hi bedwere! Quick notes on the first few lines of Greek:

ἔννοιαν τῶν κατ' ἀρχὴν ἔλαβες: πρῶτος τοιαύτην τὴν ἔννοιαν ἔλαβες?

δορυφόρος τεχνικός: not at all clear to me—perhaps some neologism with eg ἀεροπόρος, -πέτης, μηχανικός, or similar? (aha…now I see MGk πύραυλος below; why not here?)

πολὺν γὰρ χρόνον is fine, but Greek might like a negative in this context (οὐκ ὀλίγον χρόνον), partly capturing the exclamation (or else eg καὶ γὰρ instead just γάρ)

εἶπες: ἔλεγες (ἢ διισχυρίζου)?

περιίοι: κύκλῳ π. clearer

κατεφρόνησαν (note missing accent) σε: σοῦ much more regular (and emphatic seems more fitting than enclitic); κατεφρόνουν?

κατέλυσαν: don’t think it would mean that. “Retired you” is very English; I’d depart from the original here and try for something more Greek. Eg ἀλλὰ καὶ ἀναισχύντως ἠνάγκασαν [σε] τὴν τάξιν λιπεῖν ἥνπερ ἐτάχθης ἐν τούτῳ τῷ πολέμῳ?

κγ', κβ', κ’.: +καʹ

By the way, thank you for your Aesop recordings! I’ve been listening to them in the car with pleasure.

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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Thank you for your corrections and kind words, phalakros!

I used δορυφόρος τεχνητός because, from a scientific point of view, is more accurate instead of πύραυλος. We speak of artificial satellites in orbit rather than rockets. Similarly, I'm using nuclear rather than atomic energy.

Hdt. 6.43 has τῶν ἄλλων καταλελυμένων στρατηγῶν . Your suggestion is very good, but I'm limited in space.
phalakros wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:15 pm Hi bedwere! Quick notes on the first few lines of Greek:

ἔννοιαν τῶν κατ' ἀρχὴν ἔλαβες: πρῶτος τοιαύτην τὴν ἔννοιαν ἔλαβες?

δορυφόρος τεχνικός: not at all clear to me—perhaps some neologism with eg ἀεροπόρος, -πέτης, μηχανικός, or similar? (aha…now I see MGk πύραυλος below; why not here?)

πολὺν γὰρ χρόνον is fine, but Greek might like a negative in this context (οὐκ ὀλίγον χρόνον), partly capturing the exclamation (or else eg καὶ γὰρ instead just γάρ)

εἶπες: ἔλεγες (ἢ διισχυρίζου)?

περιίοι: κύκλῳ π. clearer

κατεφρόνησαν (note missing accent) σε: σοῦ much more regular (and emphatic seems more fitting than enclitic); κατεφρόνουν?

κατέλυσαν: don’t think it would mean that. “Retired you” is very English; I’d depart from the original here and try for something more Greek. Eg ἀλλὰ καὶ ἀναισχύντως ἠνάγκασαν [σε] τὴν τάξιν λιπεῖν ἥνπερ ἐτάχθης ἐν τούτῳ τῷ πολέμῳ?

κγ', κβ', κ’.: +καʹ

By the way, thank you for your Aesop recordings! I’ve been listening to them in the car with pleasure.

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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bcrowell »

I love what you're doing with the comics, and as a lifelong Heinlein fan, I get a kick out of seeing this old chestnut in Greek! Another lowbrow-ization of Heinlein from that era was Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. I'm not old enough to have watched it on TV as kid, but it seems to have been extremely popular. Whereas Destination Moon took elements from Heinlein's first juvenile novel, Rocket Ship Galileo, Tom Corbett took from his second one, Space Cadet. It was with Space Cadet that Heinlein seemed to find his stride with the juveniles.

Of modern media adaptations of Heinlein, IMO the only good one has been Predestination. I suppose there will never be a film of his best-known work, Stranger in a Strange Land -- even six decades later, I'm sure it would offend too many people.
Ben Crowell, Fullerton, California
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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Thank you, Ben!

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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Page 6

How d’you like that? Their rocket just went blooye in front of their eyes, but they’re cooking up another one already! Those two guys just don’t know when the pitcher has struck ‘em out!

Cui bonō? Nam radius ignifer eōrum ante oculōs eōrum modo dīruptus est, ipsī autem alium jam concoquunt! Profectō nōn intellegunt istī duo luctātōrēs sē ter abjectōs esse.

Τίνι δι’ ὠφελείας; Ὁ μὲν γὰρ πῡ́ραυλος αὐτῶν πρὸ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν αὐτῶν ἄρτι διερράγη, αὐτοὶ δ' ἄλλον ἤδη συσκευάζονται. Οὐ δὴ μανθάνουσιν οὗτοι οἱ δύο παλαισταὶ ὅτι τρὶς πεπτώκᾱσιν.

..and our next rocket will be aimed for the Moon!

Right, professor! That’s our goal, the Moon! in Lūnam īnsequēns radius ignifer noster intendētur!

Certē, professor! Lūna enim mēta nostra!

...καὶ εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ὁ ἑπόμενος πῡ́ραυλος ἡμῶν ἐνταθήσεται.

Ἀκρῑβῶς, καθηγετά. Ἡ γὰρ Σελήνη ὁ σκοπὸς ἡμῶν.

The Moon? Omigosh! They’ve gone stark, raving, mad! They want to send a rocket to the moon no less! What crazy dreamers!

Lūna? Herculēs! Istī īnsāniunt ac furunt! Nihilōminus in Lūnam mittere radium igniferum volunt! Ō vānī in somniīs suīs!

Ἡ Σελήνη; Νὴ Δία. Οὗτοι μαίνονται καὶ παραφρονοῦσιν. Μηδὲν ἧττον εἰς τὴν Σελήνην πῡ́ραυλον πέμψαι θέλουσιν. Ὦ μάταιοι ἐν τοῖς ὕπνοις αὐτῶν.

But the dream comes true as General Thayer does his part, visiting Jim Barnes, a young industrialist!

Somnium autem ēvenit, dum præfectus mīlitiæ Depstor sua perficit, vīsendō Jācōbum Puerum, juvenem officīnārum possessōrem.

Ὁ δ' ὕπνος ἐξέρχεται, ὡς ὁ στρατηγὸς Δέψης τὰ ἑαυτοῦ διαπράσσει ἐπισκοπῶν Ἰᾱ́κωβον Παῖδα, νέον ἐργαστηρίων κτήτορά τινα.

I tell you, Barnes, you’ve got to help us! Somebody has to reach the Moon first and it had better be America ! I’m an army man! I know! Need I say more?

Ō Puer, dīcō tibi nōs adjuvandōs! Necesse enim aliquem prīmum in Lūnam pervenīre, melius autem Amerīcānum! Quod, cum mīles sim, sciō! Quid tibi amplius dīcam?

Ὦ Παῖς λέγω σοι ὅτι χρή σε βοηθεῖν ἡμῖν. Ἀνάγκη μὲν γάρ τινα πρῶτον εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ἀφικέσθαι, ἄμεινον δ' Ἀμερῑκᾱνόν. Τοῦτο γάρ, στρατιώτης ὤν, οἶδα. Τί πλέον εἴπω σοι;


This is for the future of America itself, in peace or war!


Hæc sunt prō ipsā Americā, cum in pāce tum etiam in bellō.


Ταῦτά ἐστιν ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς τῆς Ἀμερικῆς, καὶ ἐν εἰρήνῃ καὶ ἐν πολέμῳ.

Well, if you put it that way, how can I refuse? You win!

Ēsto, sī est ita, ut dīcis, quid negābō? Vincis!

Εἴη, εἰ οὕτως ἔχει, ὡς λέγεις, τί ἀρνήσομαι; Νῑκᾷς.

And I’ll round up a dozen more backers for you! Now I’m excited myself

Et colligam tibi aliōs duodecim adjūtōrēs! Nunc enim ipse studeō!

Καὶ συλλέξομαί σοι ἄλλους δώδεκα βοηθούς. Νῦν γὰρ αὐτὸς σπουδάζω.

Good! Call them to a meeting in a week, to see the model of professor Cargraves’ spaceship.

Bellē! Eōs in conventum octāvō diē vōcā, ad videndum exemplar astronāvis professōris Gæsoscrobis.

Καλῶς. Αὐτοὺς δ' εἰς σύνοδον ὀγδοαίους κάλει, βλέπειν παράδειγμα τοῦ διαστημοπλοίου τοῦ καθηγητοῦ Γαισοτάφρου.

Meanwhile at the home of the scientist…

You worked all night again, dear!

It’s done! Emily, it’s done!

Intereā autem in domō perītī...

Per noctem opus fēcistī, cāre!

Factum'st, Æmilia, factum'st!

Ἐν δὲ τῷ μεταξὺ ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ τοῦ ἐπιστήμονος...

Διὰ νυκτὸς ἠργάσω, φίλε.

Πέπρᾱκται, Αἰμιλία, πέπρᾱκται.


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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Page 7

That ship will carry a crew to the Moon!

But you aren’t going yourself, are you dear? You might not come back alive!

Illa navis in Lūnam nautās vehet!

Numquid ipse ibīs, mī marīte? Nam fortasse salvus nōn redierīs!

Ἐκείνη ἡ ναῦς διάξει ναύτας εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

Μήτι αὐτὸς εἶ, φίλτατε; Τάχα γὰρ ἂν σῶς οὐκ ἐπανέλθοις.

I’d like to go! Yes, it would be the greatest adventure any man ever had in all history!

Eam! Etenim hoc sit perīculum maximum quod quis umquam adīret!

Ἔλθοιμι ἄν. Καὶ γὰρ οὗτος εἴη ἂν ὁ μέγιστος κίνδῡνος ὃν τίς ποτε ἀναρρῖψαι.

Leaving Earth and soaring to our sister world in space! It would be glorious, Emily!

Excēdere ē Terrā et ferrī in spatiō ad orbem germānum nostrum! Magnæ glōriæ sit, Æmilia!

Ἀποχωρεῖν ἐκ τῆς Γῆς καὶ φέρεσθαι ἐν τῷ διαστήματι πρὸς τὴν ἀδελφὴν αὐτῆς. Λαμπρὸν ἔργον εἴη ἄν, Αἰμιλία.

But, of course, I won’t leave you and our boys, Emily! I’ll have a crew trained to use the ship after I build it!

Sed scīlicet tē līberōsque nōn relinquam, Æmilia! Īnstruam autem nāvem ūnā cum nautīs.

Ἀλλὰ δῆλον ὅτι οὐ μὴ καταλείψω σέ τε καὶ τὰ τέκνα, Αἰμιλία. Κατασκευάσομαι δὲ τὴν ναῦν αὐτοῖς τοῖς ναύταις.

Thank Heaven!

Gee, dad! Will that ship really reach the Moon? May I go along, huh?

Deō grātiās!

Hercle, pater, an nāvis illa in Lūnam perveniet? Licetne mihi comitārī?

Χάρις τῷ Θεῷ.

Νὴ Δία, πάτερ, ἦ ἐκείνη ἡ ναῦς ἀφίξεται εἰς τὴν Σελήνην; Ἆρ' ἔξεστί μοι συνακολουθεῖν;

I’m afraid not, Tony! It's going to take four of the bravest and most courageous men in the world!

Heu, nōn licet tibi, Antōnī! Nam opus erunt nōbīs quattuor virī omnium fortissimī atque optimī!

Φεῦ, οὐκ ἔξεστί σοι, Ἀντώνιε. Δεήσει γὰρ ἡμῖν τεσσάρων ἀνδρῶν τῶν ὄντων ἀρίστων τε καὶ γενναιοτάτων.

But the actual Moon ship isn’t even built yet! I’ve got to go to that meeting of big industrialists, rounded up by General Thayer and Jim Barnes, and convince them to build the ship! Wish me luck!

Ipsa autem nāvis nōndum ædificāta est! Dēbeō enim convenīre magnōs officīnārum possessōrēs ā præfectō Depstōre ac Jācōbō Puerō collēctōs atque persuādēre eīs ædificāre nāvem! Hoc optā!

Αὐτὴ δ' ἡ ναῦς οὔπω ἐναυπηγήθη. Ὀφείλω γάρ, συνελθὼν τοῖς μεγάλοις ἐργαστηρίων κτήτορσιν ὑπὸ στρατηγοῦ Δέψου καὶ Ἰᾱκώβου Παιδὸς συνειλεγμένοις, πεῖσαι αὐτοὺς ναυπηγῆσαι τὴν ναῦν. Εὔχου τοῦτο.

At the meeting…

Gentlemen! This is the space ship we will build! I believe that it will carry four men to the Moon and back!

In conciliō...

Ō virī, astronāvem hanc fabricābimur! Persuāsum enim mihi habeō eam quāttuor in Lūnam ductōs virōs subductūram esse.

Ἐν τῇ συνόδῳ...

Ὦνδρες, τόδε τὸ διαστημαπλοῖον κατασκευασόμεθα. Πέπεσμαι γὰρ αὐτὸ κατάξειν τέσσαρας ἄνδρας εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ἀναχθέντας.

But just why do you want to go to the Moon anyway?

Cūr enim in Lūnam quidem vīs īre?

Τί γὰρ εἰς τὴν Σελήνην γε βούλῃ ἐλθεῖν;


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Re: Destination Moon

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Why? Why did Columbus discover America? Why did brave men fight their way to the North Pole?

Cūr? Cūr Columbus Americam invēnit? Cūr virī fortēs iter in polum arcticum cum labōre fēcērunt?

Τί; Τί Κολόμβος ἐξεῦρε τὴν Ἀμερικήν; Τί ἄνδρες ἀγαθοὶ σὺν πόνῳ ἐπορεύθησαν ἐπὶ τὸν βόρειον πόλον;

It's pioneering adventure! It’s the whole history of mankind through the ages, exploring the unknown! That’s why!

Quia præcursōrēs perīclitantur! Quia per omnia sæcula hominēs incognitum explōrant! Hæc enim ratiō!

Ὅτι οἱ πρόδρομοι κινδῡνεύουσιν. Ὅτι διὰ πάντων τῶν αἰώνων οἱ ἄνθρωποι κατασκοποῦσι τὸ ἄγνωστον. Αὕτη γὰρ ἡ αἰτία.

All right, but will your ship reach the Moon? How can a rocket ship travel two hundred forty thousand miles through empty space? It seems impossible.

Estō, sed pervenietne nāvis tua in Lūnam? Ut potest radius ignifer iter vīciēs centēnōrum mīllium stadiōrum per spatium ināne facere? Nam vidētur fierī nōn posse.

Εἶεν, ἀλλ' ἆρ' ἀφίξεται ἡ ναῦς σου εἰς τὴν Σελήνην; Πῶς πῡ́ραυλος πορευθείη ἂν διᾱκοσιάκις μῡ́ρια στάδια διὰ τοῦ κενοῦ διαστήματος; Ἀδύνατον γὰρ δοκεῖ εἶναι.

Watch! I have a specially prepared movie using that cartoon character Woody Woodpecker! Okay, start the projector!

Spectāte! Ecce parāta ad hoc pellicula cum illā persōnā pictā Pīcō Pīcumnō! Bene, accende prōjectōrium!

Θεᾶσθε. Ἰδού, ταινία πρὸς τοῦτο ἑτοίμη ἔχουσα ἐκεῖνο τὸ πρόσωπον ἐζωγραφημένον Δρῦν Δρυοκολάπτην. Εὖ, ἅψον τὸν προβολέα.

When Woody Woodpecker fires a shotgun, the strong recoil of the explosion knocks him backwards! That’s the basic principle of all rockets!

Cum Pīcus Pīcumnus tēlum mīserit, magna dīruptiō eum repellit. Hoc est enim prīncipium radiōrum omnium igniferōrum!

Ὅταν Δρῦς Δρυοκολάπτης βέλος ἀφῇ, ἡ μεγάλη ἔκρηξις ἀνακρούει αὐτόν. Αὕτη γὰρ ἡ ἀρχὴ πάντων τῶν πῡραύλων.

This is exaggerated, of course, but Woody now experiments and finds that through recoil he can soar into the air! And that, gentlemen, is how all jet planes fly!

Hoc quidem in majus dictum'st, Pīcus autem experiendō cognōscit sē vī repulsūs sūrsum in āerem ferrī! Etenim, ō virī, sīc omnēs āere impulsæ nāvēs volant!

Τοῦτο μὲν καθ' ὑπερβολὴν εἴρηται. Ὁ δὲ Δρῦς πειρᾱσάμενος γιγνώσκει ὅτι διὰ τῆς ἀνακρούσεως εἰς τὸν ᾱ̓έρα ἀναφέρεται. Καὶ γὰρ, ὦνδρες, οὕτω πάντα τὰ ᾱ̓εριωθούμενα σκάφη πέτεται.

So now Woody is going to rocket to the Moon, using the recoil principle to leave earth!

Nunc autem Pīcus in Lūnam radiō igniferō vehitur, ūtēns prīncipiō repulsiōnis ut ē Terrā excēdat!

Νῡνὶ δὲ Δρῦς πορεύεται ἐπὶ πῡραύλου εἰς τὴν Σελήνην, χρώμενος τῇ ἀρχῇ ἀνακρούσεως ἀποχωρῆσαι ἐκ τῆς Γῆς.

Woody finds that he must use powerful rocket forces to break away from Earth’s gravitation, which is like a tremendous magnet!

Pīcus cognōscit sibi magnīs radiī vīribus ūtendum esse ut ē Terræ gravitāte sē exuat, quæ immānis magnētis similis est.

Δρῦς γιγνώσκει ὅτι δεῖ αὐτὸν χρῆσθαι μεγάλαις πῡραύλου δυνάμεσιν ἵνα τὴν τῆς Γῆς βαρύτητα ἐκδῡ́ηται, ὁμοίᾱν μαγνήτιδί τινι δεινῇ οὖσαν.

But notice! Once Woody wins free of Earth’s pull, he can then shut off his rockets and coast all the rest of the way to the Moon in free fall!

Sed ecce: cum Pīcus exsolūtus Terræ trahentis sit, tum potest, radiō igniferō exstīnctō, reliquum in Lūnam iter līberē cādēns prætervehī.

Ἀλλ' ἰδού· ὅταν Δρῦς ἀπολῡθῇ τῆς Γῆς ἑλκούσης, τότε οἷός τ̓ ἐστί, σβέσᾱς τὸν πῡ́ραυλον, ἐλευθέρως πίπτων παραπλεῖν τὴν λοιπὴν εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ὁδόν.

He goes over two hundred thousand miles, gentlemen, without using one bit of fuel!

Itaque percurrit sēdecies centēna mīllia stadiōrum, ō virī, nec ūllā ad combūrendum māteriā ūtēns!

Ὤστε διατρέχει ἑκκαιδεκάκις μῡ́ρια στάδια, ὦνδρες, οὐδὲ χρώμενος οὐδεμίᾳ καυσίμῳ ῡ̔́λῃ.


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Re: Destination Moon

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So that’s why it is easily possible to reach the Moon! All you need is a powerful enough fuel to escape earth’s gravity!

Proptereā facile'st pervenīre in Lūnam. Tantum enim opus est māteriā ad combūrendum sufficiente effugere gravitātem Terræ!

Διὸ ῥᾴδιόν ἐστιν ἀφικέσθαι εἰς τὴν Σελήνην. Μόνον γὰρ δεῖ καυσίμου ῡ̔́λης ἱκανῆς ἀποφυγεῖν τὴν τῆς Γῆς βαρύτητα.

But have you that fuel professor?

Atomic Energy Reaction Engine

Habēsne tamen tālem māteriam, ō professor?

māchina vī nucleārī impulsa

Ἆρά γε ἔχεις τοιαύτην τὴν ῡ̔́λην, ὦ καθηγετά;

μηχανὴ πῡρηνικῇ ἐνεργείᾳ ὠθουμένη

Yes. I have! This atomic energy reaction engine will do it, using atomic fuel! Atomic power was first used in war! But with our moon rocket, gentlemen, we will also prove that atomic power can be used in peace! Doesn’t that alone make this project infinitely worthwhile?

Habeō! Hæc enim māchina vī nucleārī impulsa ūtēnsque māteriā nucleārī valēbit. In bellō quidem potestās nucleāris prīmum jūvāvit. Et in pāce autem, ō virī, per radium igniferum probābimus potestātem nucleārem jūtūram esse! Nōnne haec ūna rēs facit cōnsilium ipsum dignissimum?

Ἔχω. Ἥδε γὰρ ἡ μηχανὴ πῡρηνικῇ ἐνεργείᾳ ὠθουμένη καὶ χρωμένη πῡρηνικῇ ῡ̔́λῃ εὖ πρᾱ́ξει. Ἐν πολέμῳ μὲν ἡ πῡρηνικὴ δύναμις πρῶτον ὠφέλησεν. Καὶ ἐν εἰρήνῃ δ', ὦνδρες, διὰ τοῦ πῡραύλου δείξομεν τὴν πῡρηνικὴν δύναμιν ὠφελήσειν. Οὐ τοῦτο μόνον ποιεῖ τὴν γνώμην αὐτὴν ἀξιωτάτην;

Yes, you win, professor!

Thank you, gentlemen. Then we will begin work on the space ship immediately!

Prorsus: vincis, ō professor!

Grātiās agō vōbīs, ō virī. Quamobrem cōnfestim manūs astronāvī admovēbimus!

Πάνυ γε· νῑκᾷς, ὦ καθηγετά.

Χάριν ἔχω ῡ̔μῖν, ὦνδρες. Διὸ εὐθὺς ἐπιχειρήσομεν τῷ διαστημοπλοίῳ.

Magnificent speech, professor! We’ll build the rocket and train the crew!

For the first trip to the moon!

Ōrātiō admīrābilis, ō professor! Īnstruēmus igitur radium igniferum ūna cum nautīs.

Ad prīmam in Lūnam nāvigātiōnem!

Λόγος θαυμαστός, ὦ καθηγετά. Κατασκευάσομεν οὖν τὸν πῡ́ραυλον αὐτοῖς τοῖς ναύταις.

Πρὸς τὸν πρῶτον εἰς τὴν Σελήνην πλοῦν.

Time passes and finally, one day…

The spaceship is all finished! It’s being checked and loaded with supplies!

Tempus præterit, dēnique autem...

Perfecta'st astronāvis! Quæ probātur et commeātu onerātur!

Ὁ μὲν χρόνος προβαίνει, τέλος δέ...

Ἀποτετέλεσται τὸ διαστημοπλοῖον, τὸ δοκιμαζόμενον καὶ τῶν ἐπιτηδείων γεμιζόμενον.

Take-off is less than a month away!

Vix mēnsis ūnus est usque ad ēvectiōnem!

Μόλις εἳς μείς ἐστι μέχρι τῆς ἀπογειώσεως.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Professor Cargrave! You look worried! What’s the matter?

Ō professor Gæsoscrobis, vidēris mihi conturbārī! Quid agitur?

Ὦ καθηγητὰ Γαισόταφρε, δοκεῖς μοι ταράσσεσθαι. Τί τὸ πρᾶγμα;

Bad news, I’m afraid! This letter just came from Washington D.C.!

Heu, nūntius trīstis! Nam Epistula hæc modo Vasingtoniā D.C. pervēnit.

Φεῦ, ἀγγελίᾱ κακή. Ἥδε γὰρ ἡ ἐπιστολὴ ἄρτι ἦλθεν ἀπὸ Οὐασίνγκτου, Π.Κ.

The commission of rocket experimentation has just denied our request to shoot off this rocket! Since it uses atomic fuel, they’re afraid of a big atomic explosion if it fails!

Dēlēctī ad radiōs igniferōs experiendōs modo vetuērunt radium hunc ā nōbīs ēmittī! Cum hic māteriā nucleārī utātur, illī timent nē magna nucleāris dīruptiō fīat, si res male ēveniat!

Οἱ ἐπιτετραμμένοι τὸ τῶν πῡραύλων πειρᾶσθαι ἄρτι ἀνένευσαν ἡμῖν τοῦτον τὸν πῡ́ραυλον ἀφήσειν. Ἐπεὶ οὗτος πῡρηνικῇ ῡ̔́λῃ χρῆται, ἐκεῖνοι φοβοῦνται μὴ μεγάλη πῡρηνικὴ ἔκρηξις γένηται, εἰ τὸ πρᾶγμα κακῶς ἀποβαίη.

Then we’re stopped cold!

Ergo repressī sumus!

Οὐκοῦν καταπεπαύμεθα.

Wait! Why not send it off now, before they can really stop us? There’s no actual law saying we can’t go! We could leave at dawn seventeen hours from now.

Manēte! Cūr nunc eum nōn ēmittimus, ante quam vērō nōs reprimant? Nūlla enim lēx obstat quōminus eāmus! Abeāmus prīmā lūce in septemdecim hōrās posthāc!

Μένετε. Τί νῦν οὐκ ἀφήκαμεν αὐτόν, πρὶν ἂν δὴ ἡμᾶς παύσωσιν; Οὐδεὶς γὰρ νόμος κωλύει ἡμᾶς ἰέναι. Ἀπίοιμεν ἂν ἅμα τῇ ἡμέρᾳ εἰς ἑπτακαίδεκα ὥρας ὕστερον.

It’s crazy, Barnes! We have no trained crew ready.

Furis, ō Puer! Quia dēsunt nōbīs nautæ parātī!

Μαίνει, ὦ Παῖς. Ὅτι ἀπολειπόμεθα ναυτῶν ἑτοίμων.

What’s wrong with us? The general and I can handle the controls! you can run the engine, professor! And Jim Sweeney is our expert communications man!

Cujus egēmus nōs? Nam ego præfectusque cursum dīrigāmus, tū autem, ō professor, māchinā ūtāris. Jōsēphus Suāvis autem nōbīs tēlecommūnicātiōnis perītus!

Τίνος δεόμεθα ἡμεῖς; Ἐγὼ μὲν γὰρ καὶ ὁ στρατηγὸς κυβερνῷμεν ἄν, σὺ δέ, ὦ καθηγητά, χρῷο ἂν τῇ μηχανῇ. Ὁ δ' Ἰώσηπος Ἡδὺς ἡμῖν τηλεκοινωνίας ἔμπειρος.

I’m willing!

Mihi placet!

Ἀρέσκει μοι.

So am I! They won’t stop us, after we’ve come this far!

Great! We’ll take off at dawn for the Moon!

Mihi quoque! Nōn repriment nōs adhūc prōgressōs!

Euge! Ergō prīmā lūce ēvehēmur nāvigantēs in Lūnam!

Κᾱ̓μοί. Οὐ μὴ παύσουσιν ἠμᾶς εἰς τοῦτο ἀφιγμένους.

Εὖγε. Ἅμα οὖν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἀπόγειοι πλευσόμεθα εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

I’d better inform Joe Sweeney of the news…

Hi, General! What’s up? You look as excited as a collision!

Melius est Jōsēphum Suāvem dē hīs rēbus certiōrem fierī...

Avē, ō præfecte! Quid agis? Vidēris tam commōtus quam afflīctus!

Ἄμεινόν ἐστιν Ἰώσηπον Ἡδὺν πυθέσθαι ταῦτα...

Χαῖρε, ὦ στρατηγέ. Τί πράττεις; Φαίνῃ οὕτω κεκῑνημένος ὡς τεθλῑμμένος.

Joe, we’re taking off at dawn! Change of plans! And we picked you as the fourth man to go to the moon!

Jōsēphe, mūtātō cōnsiliō, prīmā lūce ēvehēmur! Tēque ēlēgimus quārtum ut in Lūnam eāmus!

Ἰώσηπε, μεταβουλεύσαντες ἅμα τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἀπόγειοι ἐσόμεθα. Καὶ σὲ εἱλόμεθα τέταρτον ἰέναι εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

Oh, is that all? So I’m going to the Moon!

Tantumne est? Ībō igitur in Lūnam!

Ἆρα μόνον τοῦτο; Εἶμι οὖν εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

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Re: Destination Moon

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To the Moon? Did I hear you say you picked me to go to the Moon with you? Let me outta here! Help! I’m not going to the Moon! Think I’m crazy or something?

In Lūnam? Numquid ē tē audīvī mē ēlēctum esse ut in Lūnam vōs sequerer? Dīmitte mē! Subvenīte! In Lūnam nōn ībō! Quid? Furere mē putās?

Εἰς τὴν Σελήνην; Ἆρα μὴ ἀπὸ σοῦ ἤκουσα αἱρεθῆναι ἀκολουθεῖν ῡ̔μῖν εἰς τὴν Σελήνην; Ἀπόλῡσόν με. Βοηθεῖτε. Οὐκ εἶμι εἰς τὴν Σελήνην. Τί δέ; Δοκῶ σοι μαίνεσθαι;

Easy, Joe! Listen! Do you believe this ship will get to the Moon?

Quiēsce, Jōsēphe! Audī! Num crēdis nāvem istam in Lūnam perventūram esse?

Ἡσύχαζε, Ἰώσηπε. Ἄκουε. Μὴ πιστεύεις τοῦτο τὸ πλοῖον εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ἀφίξεσθαι;

Of course not! I’ve been telling you guys for the past month that no engine is gonna lift this big baby one inch off the ground!

Minimē vērō! Nam jam diū vōbīs negō ūllam māchinam onus grande istud pæne dē terrā sublātūram esse!

Οὐ δῆτα. Πολὺν γὰρ ἤδη χρόνον ῡ̔μῖν οὔ φημι οὐδεμίαν μηχανὴν σχεδὸν ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς ᾱ̓ρεῖν τὸ μέγα φορτίον τοῦτο.

All right, then! What have you got to lose? If the ship won’t budge you’re safe! You can laugh at us then, see?

Estō! Quid habēs quod āmittās? Sī nāvis immōbilis mānserit, tūtus es! Itaque nōs dērīdeās. Quidnī?

Εἶεν. Τί ἔχεις ὅ τι ἀπολέσεις; Ἐὰν τὸ πλοῖον ἀτρεμήσῃ, ἀσφαλῶς ἔχεις. Καταγελῴης οὖν ἂν ἠμῶν. Πῶς γὰρ οὔ;

Yeah, that’s right! I know the ship won’t move, so I’ll join your crew just for laughs! The take-off will be a fizzle! Haw! Haw!

Rēctē dīcis! Sciēns nāvem sē nōn mōtūram esse, nauta vestrum fīam dērīsum! Nōn enim ēvehētur sed efflābitur!

Ὀρθῶς λέγεις. Εἰδὼς τὸ πλοῖον μὴ κῑνηθησόμενον, ναύτης ῡ̔μῶν γενήσομαι τοῦ καταγελᾶν. Οὐ γὰρ ἀπόγειον ἔσται ἀλλ' ἀφῡ́σητον.

It’s agreed then that you’ll come along!

Ergō concessum est tē secūtūrum esse.

Ἄρα ὡμολόγηται σέ γε ἀκολουθήσειν.

Holy smoke! I’m part of the crew! Something tells me General Thayer pulled a slick one on me, like selling me the Brooklyn bridge! Well, I’ve got to go through with it now!

Hercle! Ūnus ē nautīs sum! Vidētur mihi præfectum mīlitiæ Depstorem dolīs mē cēpisse, quasi fūmum vēndidisset! Estō, nunc hoc mihi pertexendum est!

Νὴ Δία. Εἷς τῶν ναυτῶν εἰμι. Δοκεῖ μοι ὁ στρατηγὸς Δέψης ἀπατῆσαί με, ὥσπερ καπνοῦ σκιᾱ̀ν πωλήσας. Εἶεν, νῦν δεῖ με τοῦτο διαφέρειν..

Meanwhile, as a busy night wears away in preparation, Professor Cargraves has his own troubles!

Intereā dum aliī noctem in apparandō cōnsūmunt, professor Gæsoscrobis sua negōtia habet.

Ἐν δὲ τῷ μεταξύ, οἱ μὲν κατατρίβουσι τὴν νύκτα παρασκευαζόμενοι, ὁ δὲ καθηγητὴς Γαισόταφρος ἔχει τὰ ἑαυτοῦ πρᾱ́γματα.

But, Emily, I have to go! This is bigger than you or me or anything!

At enim, Æmilia, mihi eundum est! Major rēs est quam mea vel tua vel cujusquam!

Ἀλλὰ γάρ, Αἰμιλία, ἰτέον ἐμοί. Μεῖζόν ἐστι πρᾶγμα ἢ τοὐμὸν ἢ τὸ σὸν ἢ τό τινος ἄλλου.

All right, dear! Of course I won’t stop you! But please come back!

Please come back!

Estō, mī marīte! Tē nē retinēbō quidem, obsecrō autem ut redeās!

Obsecrō ut redeās!

Εἶεν, φίλτατε. Σὲ οὐ καθέξω μέν, ἀντιβολῶ δ' ἐπανελθεῖν.

Ἀντιβολῶ σ' ἐπανελθεῖν.


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Re: Destination Moon

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The crucial hour approaches and four brave men are ready!

Tempus statūtum prope est, quattuor autem virī fortēs parātī sunt!

Ὁ μὲν καιρὸς ἐγγύς ἐστι, τέσσαρες δ' ἄνδρες ἀγαθοὶ παρεσκευασμένοι εἰσίν.

Ship’s all checked and loaded! Dawn in five minutes! Up into the hatch!


Nāvis probāta et onerāta'st! In quīnque minūta lūcēbit! Sūrsum in cellam!


Τὸ πλοῖον δεδοκιμασμένον γέμει. Εἰς ε' λεπτὰ ἡμέρα γενήσεται. Ἄνω εἰς τὸν θάλαμον.


Wait! Stop! We got wind of this! An injunction has been issued to forbid you to take off! Stop!

A court injunction!

Manēte! Cōnsistite! Audīvimus hoc! Ēdictum exiit ut prohibēret vōs ā Terrā ēnāvi
gāre. Cōnsistite!

Ēdictum magistrātūs!

Μένετε. Ἐπίσχετε. Ἐπυθόμεθα τοῦτο. Πρόσταγμα ἐξελήλυθεν κωλῡ́ειν ῡ̔μᾶς ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς ἐκπλεῦσαι. Ἐπίσχετε.

Πρόσταγμα τοῦ ἄρχοντος.

But nothing will stop us now! Before that bailiff can reach us and officially serve his injection we can get in the ship! Elevator aloft! Hurry!

Nunc autem nihil nōs prohibēbit! Ante quam appāritor ad nōs pervēnerit et ēdictum in pūblicum prōposuerit, in nāvem inībimus! Sūrsum scānsōrium! Festīnāte!

Νῦν δ' οὐδὲν κωλῡ́σει ἡμᾶς. Πρὶν ἂν ὁ κλητὴρ πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἀφίκηται καὶ τὸ πρόσταγμα προείπῃ, εἰς τὸ πλοῖον εἴσιμεν. Ἄνω τὸ ἀκροβατικόν. Σπεύδετε.


Clear away, on your life! The rockets will blast out in one minute!

Soon in the ship..


Abī prō vītā tuā! Radius ignifer in ūnum minūtum ēmittitur!

Cōnfestim in nāve...


Ἄπιθι ὑπὲρ τῆς ψῡχῆς σου. Ὁ πῡ́ραυλος ἐκτοξευθήσεται εἰς ἓν λεπτόν.

Εὐθὺς ἐν τῷ πλοίῳ...

Everybody settled in his compression couch? Thirty seconds to go!

Power station?

Power station ready for firing!

Jacentne omnēs in pulvīnāribus suīs? Trīgintā secunda ad missiōnem!


Generātor parātus ad accendendum!

Ἆρα κεῖνται πάντες ἐν ταῖς ἑαυτῶν κλῑ́ναις; Τριᾱ́κοντα δευτερόλεπτα μέχρι ἀφέσεως.


Γεννήτρια ἑτοίμη ἅπτειν.


Instruments set! Automatic pilot ready for take-off!


Īnstrūmenta ōrdināta! Auto-gubernātor parātus ad ēnāvigandum!


Ὄργανα τεταγμένα. Αὐτοκυβερνήτης ἕτοιμος ἐκπλεῖν.

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Re: Destination Moon

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Everything’s just dandy, sir!

Ā tēlecommūnicātiōne?

Omnia bellē sē habent, domine!

Ὁ ἐπὶ τηλεκοινωνίας;

Πάντα κομψῶς ἔχει, κῡ́ριε.

Hey, what am I worrying about? I know this big pile of junk isn’t going to leave earth at all! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come along! This is all a big laugh… Heh-heh, heh!

Hem, quā dē rē sollicitus sum? Sciō enim hujuscemodī acervum numquam ē Terrā excessūrum! Sīn minus, secūtus nōn essem! Omnia vērō ista rīdicula. Ha! ha! ha! 

Ἔᾱ, περὶ τίνος φροντίζω; Οἶδα γὰρ ὅτι τοιοῦτος ὁ σωρὸς οὐκ ἀποχωρήσεται ἐκ τῆς Γῆς οὐδέν τι. Εἰ δὲ μή, οὐκ ἂν ἠκολούθησα. Πάντα δὴ ταῦτα γέλοια. Ἅ, ἅ, ἅ.

Starting switch ready! Ten seconds to go… 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, … here we go!

Missοr parātus! X secunda reliqua, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, proficīscimur! 

Ἀφέτης ἕτοιμος. ι' δευτερόλεπτα λοιπά, θ', η', ζ', ϛ', ε', δ', γ', β', πορευόμεθα.

With an earth-shaking roar, the mighty atomic rockets burst forth with thunderous power, and four men are on their way into space. Their destination .. the Moon!

Fragōre terram concutiente, potēns radius nucleāris magnō cum tonitrū ērumpit, quattuor autem virī in spatium proficīscuntur, quōrum nāvigātiō in Lūnam!

Πατάγου τὴν γῆν σείοντος, ὁ μὲν ἰσχῡρὸς πῡρηνικὸς πῡ́ραυλος μέγα βροντῶν ἐξορμᾷ, τέσσαρες δ' ἄνδρες πορεύονται εἰς τὸ διάστημα, ὧνπερ ὁ πλοῦς εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Page 14

Gasp! We’re all under terrific strain due to the enormous acceleration! We each weigh about eleven hundred pounds! Everybody -gasp! - holding up okay?

Ā! Nōs omnēs ācerrimē tendimur propter immānem accelerātiōnem! Nam ūnusquisque nostrum mīlle quīngentī fere lībrās pendit! Sustinētisne - ā! - omnēs?

Ἆ. Ἡμεῖς πάντες σφόδρα τεινόμεθα διὰ τὴν ὑπερμεγέθη ἐπιτάχυνσιν. Ἕκαστος γὰρ ἡμῶν βάρος ἔχει ὡς χῑλίας πεντακοσίας λίτρας. Ἆρ' ἀνέχεσθε - ἆ - πάντες;

All right here! But it feels like the middle of a hurricane! Gasp!

Καλῶς ἔχω ἔγωγε. Πάσχω δ' ὡς ἂν ἐν θυέλλῃ μέσῃ ὤν. Ἆ.

Valeō saltem ego! Patior autem quasi in mediā procellā essem! Ā!

This pressure will last only three minutes and fifty seconds! We can stand it that long! I’m fine! How about you, Sweeney?

Sōla tria minūta et quīnquāgintā secunda premēmur! Tamdiū possumus sustinēre! Rēctē mē habeō. Ut valēs tū, ō Suāvis?

Πιεσόμεθα μόνα τρία λεπτὰ καὶ πεντήκοντα δευτερόλεπτα. Τοσοῦτον δυνάμεθα ἀνέχεσθαι. Εὖ ἔχω. Πῶς ἔχεις σύ, ὦ Ἡδύ;

Oof! Just like home in bed - Haw! But what’s going on, fellas? I’ll turn on the aft view television screen!

Vah! Quasi domī in lectō. Heu mihi! Sed quid fit, ō sodālēs? Quadrum ē puppī tēle-vīsificum accendam.

Φεῦ. Ὥσπερ ἐν τῇ οἴκοι κλῑ́νῃ. Οἴμοι. Ἀλλὰ τί γίγνεται, ὦταῖροι; Ἀνάψω τὴν ἐκ τῆς πρύμνης τηλε-ορᾱτικὸν ὀθόνην.

New York! Way below us!

Omigosh! Don’t tell me this ship is actually working Don’t tell me we’re actually leaving earth? It’s sabotage! Yipes!
Novum Eborācum infrā nōs!

Novum Eborācum infrā nōs!

Mehercle! Numquid nāvis ista mūnere suō bene fungitur? Numquid ergō ē Terrā excēdimus? Dolus malus est! Papæ!

Νέον Ἐβόρᾱκον ὑφ' ἡμᾶς.

Νὴ τὸν Ἡρακλέᾱ. Μή τι αὕτη ἡ ναῦς εὖ ἐπιτελεῖ τοὔργον αὑτῆς; Μῶν ἀποχωροῦμεν ἐκ τῆς Γῆς; Δόλος πονηρός ἐστι. Παπαῖ.

We’ve just broken all altitude records for previous rockets! We’re five hundred miles high, leaving earth’s atmosphere!

Mox excelsissimī sumus omnium priōrum radiōrum! Quattuor enim mīllia stadiōrum altī sumus, atmosphæram Terræ relinquentēs!

Ἤδη ὑψηλότατοί ἐσμεν πάντων τῶν πρόσθεν πῡραύλων. Ἔχομεν γὰρ τὸ ὕψος τέσσαρα χῑ́λια στάδια, καταλείποντες τὴν ἀτμόσφαιραν τῆς Γῆς.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Hey! The Sun and the stars both shining together in the daytime! My eyes have gone bad!

Hem! Et Sōl et stellæ simul diē lūcentes! Oculī meī dēfecērunt !

Ἔᾱ. Καὶ ὁ ἥλιος καὶ οἱ ἀστέρες ἅμα τῆς ἡμέρας λάμποντες. Οἱ ὀφθαλμοί μου ἐξέλιπον.

No, Sweeney! It’s simply that down on earth, the atmosphere scatters and diffuses sunlight, and the glare hides the stars, which are always there! But up here, in open space, the Sun’s glare doesn’t dim the stars!

Minimē, ō Suāvis! Sed sōlum quod terrā quidem atmosphæra lūcem Solīs dispergit atque diffundit, splendōre stēllās, quæ semper illīc sunt, occultante! Hīc autem in spatiō apertō splendor stēllās nōn obscūrat!

Οὐδαμῶς, ὦ Ἡδύ. Ἀλλὰ μόνον ὅτι κατὰ γῆν μὲν ἡ ἀτμόσφαιρα σκεδάννῡσί τε καὶ διαχεῖ τὸ τοῦ Ἡλίου φῶς, τῆς αὐγῆς τοὺς ἀστέρας τοὺς ἀεὶ ἐκεῖ ὄντας κρυπτούσης. Ἐνθάδε δ' ἐν τῷ καθαρῷ διαστήματι ἡ αὐγὴ οὐκ ἀμαυροῖ τοὺς ἀστέρας.

And look at the Sun itself, with its glorious corona and halo! Earth’s atmosphere also hides that, except during total eclipses! Here in space you see it all the time!

Etenim Sōlem ipsum spectā cum præclarā coronā! Quam et occultat atmosphæra Terræ, præterquam si dēfectiō perficiātur! Hīc autem in spatiō eam semper vidēs!

Καὶ γὰρ θεοῦ τὸν Ἥλιον αὐτὸν ἔχοντα τὸ λαμπρὸν στέμμα. Ὅπερ δὲ καὶ κρύπτει ἡ ἀτμόσφαιρα τῆς Γῆς, πλὴν ἐὰν ὅλως ἐκλείπῃ. Ἐνθάδε δὲ ἐν τῷ διαστήματι ἀεὶ ὁρᾷς αὐτό.

Three minutes and fifty seconds since take-off! Acceleration over! The rockets are cutting off now! G

Τria minūta et quīnquāgintā secunda ab ēvectiōne. Fīnis accelerātiōnis. Nunc autem radius extinguitur.

Τρία λεπτὰ καὶ πεντήκοντα δευτερόλεπτα ἀπὸ ἀπογειώσεως. Τέλος τῆς ἐπιταχύνσεως. Νῦν δ' ὁ πῡ́ραυλος σβέννῡται.

We can unstrap ourselves now!The take-off strain is over!

What a relief! Now we can move around again!

Nunc solvī possumus! Ēvectī nōn amplius tendimur!

Quam suāve! Nunc possumus iterum ambulāre!

Νűν ἔξεστιν ἡμῖν λῡθῆναι. Ἀπόγειοι γεγονότες οὐκ ἔτι τεινόμεθα.

Ὡς ἡδύ. Νῦν ἔξεστιν ἡμῖν πάλιν περιπατεῖν.

Wait Joe! Take it easy!

Why I’m going to get up and…

Help! What’s wrong? I’m floating like a feather!

Manē, Jōsēphe! Quiēsce!

Quārē? Surrēctūrus enim...

Succurrite! Quid negōtiī? Pendeō ut plūma!

Μεῖνον, Ἰώσηπε. Ἡσύχαζε.

Διὰ τί; Ἀναστησόμενος γάρ...

Βοηθεῖτε. Τί τὸ πρᾶγμα; Αἰωροῦμαι ὡς πτίλον.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Will you guys please stop giving me the horse laugh and explain what this is all about? Why am I floating?

Dēsinite, quæsō, sodālēs, rīsū cachinnābilī atque explānāte quid hīc agātur! Quārē pendeō?

Παύετε, δέομαι ῡ̔μῶν, ὦταῖροι, καγχαζόντες καὶ ἐξηγεῖσθε ὅ τι πρᾱ́ττεται. Διὰ τί αἰωροῦμαι;

Ha! Ha!

Can’t help laughing! Haw! Haw!

Ha! Ha!

Nequeō rīsum continēre! Ha! Ha!

Ἅ, ἅ.

Οὐ δύναμαι τὸν γέλωτα κατέχειν. Ἅ, ἅ.

Because we’re in free fall, Joe! We’re falling through space at the same rate of speed the ship is! It’s like when an elevator suddenly drops: you feel weightless! And we're so far from Earth’s gravitation that it no longer grips us!

Quia in līberō cāsū sumus, ō Jōsēphe! Nam cadimus per spatium eōdem vēlōcitātis numerō ac nāvis! Sicut ubi cella scānsōria subitō cadit, sentīs tē pondere carēre. Ita autem distāmus ā gravitāte Terræ ut ipsa nōn amplius nōs retineat!

Ὅτι ἐν ἐλευθέρᾳ πτώσει ἐσμέν, ὦ Ἰώσηπε. Πίπτομεν γὰρ διὰ τοῦ διαστήματος τῷ αὐτῷ ταχυτῆτος ῥυθμῷ καὶ τὸ πλοῖον. Ὡς ὅτε ἀνελκυστὴρ ἐξαίφνης πίπτει, αἰσθάνει ἀβαρὴς ὤν. Οὕτω δ' ἀπέχομεν τῆς βαρύτητος τῆς Γῆς ὥστε αὐτὴ οὐκέτι κατέχει ἡμᾶς.

Here! Grab my hand! I’ll have to pull you down!

Like a runaway balloon!

Thanks! I’m going to hold on tight after this!

Ecce, arripe manum! Dētrahendus mihi es!

Ut follis āerius fugitīvus!

Grātiās tibi agō! Abhinc mē tenēbō artē!

Ἰδού, ἅρπασον τὴν χεῖρα. Χρῆ με κατασπᾶν σε.

Ὡς ᾱ̓ερόστατον ἀποπεφευγός.

Χάριν ἔχω σοι. Ἐντεῦθεν συνέξω ἐμαυτόν.

You won’t have to, Joe! Put on these magnetic shoes! They’ll hold you to the steel floor by magnetism!

Nōn opus est tibi, Jōsēphe, sed calce calceāmenta hæc magnētica quæ tē pavīmentō chalybe factō tenēbunt!

Οὐδὲν ἔργον ἐστί σοι, Ἰώσηπε, αλλ' ὑπόδησαι τάδε τὰ μαγνητικὰ ὑποδήματα ἃ συνέξει σε τῷ χαλυβδικῳ δαπέδῳ.

And not only to the floor, Joe! Take my hand! Let’s take a stroll up the wall and ceiling.!

Huh? You must be joking!

Neque sōlum pavīmentō, Jōsēphe! Cēde manum! Ambulēmus in adversum mūrum tēctumque!

Quid? Jocō dīcis!

Οὐδὲ μόνον τῷ δαπέδῳ, Ἰώσηπε. Ἄνεχέ μοι τὴν χεῖρα. Περιπατήσομεν ἀνὰ τό τε τεῖχος καὶ τὴν ὀροφήν.

Τί; Σὺ παίζεις.

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Re: Destination Moon

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Holy mackerel, it works!

Yes, Joe. You see, there is no gravity holding us here! There is no “up” or “down” anymore!

Hercule, succēdit hoc!

Sānē, Jōsēphe! Nōn enim est gravitās quæ teneat nōs hīc. Neque amplius sūrsum neque deorsum!

Νὴ Δία, συμβαίνει τοῦτο.

Ναί, Ιώσηπε. Οὐ γὰρ ἔστι βαρύτης συνέχουσα ἡμᾶς ἐνταῦθα. Οὔτε ἔτι τὸ ἄνω οὔτε τὸ κάτω.

In fact, let’s have a stroll across the ceiling, too!

Now I’ve seen everything! Just call me the human fly!

Etenim inambulēmus trāns tēctum!

Omnia vīdī! Modo mē muscam hūmānam appellāte!

Καὶ γὰρ ἐμπεριπατῶμεν πέρα τῆς ὀροφῆς.

Πάντα ἑώρακα. Ἄρτι δ' ὀνομάζετέ με τὴν ἀνθρωπίνην μυῖαν.

Hey! Is that Earth?

Yes, we’re over two thousand miles from it now, on our way to the Moon!

Hem, estne illa Terra?

Profectō! Sumus enim nunc amplius quīndecim mīllia stadiōrum ab eā, in Lūnam nāvigantēs.

Ἔᾱ, ἆρ' ἡ Γῆ ἐκείνη;

Μάλα γε. Ἐσμὲν γὰρ νῦν ὑπὲρ τὰ μῡ́ρια καὶ πεντακισχῑ́λια στάδια ἀπ' αὐτῆς, πλέοντες εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

For the first time, Joe Sweeney realizes the full implication of what has occurred in the past few minutes!

Nunc prīmum Jōsēphus Suāvis cognōscit quid novissima facta dēmōnstrent.

Νῦν πρῶτον Ἰώσηπος Ἡδὺς γιγνώσκει ὅ τι τὰ νεωστὶ γενόμενα ἀποδείκνῡσιν.

You mean this blasted ship can really go to the Moon? But I don’t want to go! Thanks for the ride, but let me out!

Num dīcitis hanc nāvem scelestam in Lūnam nāvigāre posse? Verum nōn ībō ego! Benignē mē vēxistis, sed ēmittite mē!

Μὴ λέγετε ὅτι αὕτη ἡ εὐώνυμος ναῦς δύναται εἰς τὴν Σελήνην πλεῖν; Ἀλλ' οὐκ εἶμι ἐγώ. Ἐπαινῶ μὲν ῡ̔μᾶς τοῦ με ὀχηθῆναι, ἀλλ' ἐκπέμψατέ με.

Don’t be a fool, Joe! You have to finish the trip now!

And just think, Joe! You’ll be a hero!

Νē ad ineptiās abeās, Jōsēphe! Nunc necesse tibi viam perficere!

Cōnsīderā, Jōsēphe, hominēs tē virum fortissimum æstimatūrōs esse!

Μὴ λήρους ληρήσῃς, Ἰώσηπε. Νῦν γὰρ ἀνάγκη σοι καθανύσαι τὴν ὁδόν.

Καὶ κατάμαθε, Ἰώσηπε, ὅτι ἀνὴρ ἄριστος κριθήσῃ.

Who asked to be a hero? And I had a date tonight with a cute girl, too! Will she be sore when she hears I ditched her just to go to the old Moon!

Quis vult fortissimus æstimārī? Oportēbat autem mē obvium bellæ pūpæ esse. Quæ vērō dolēbit quandō audīverit mē eam relīquisse tamquam in Lūnam vetulam itūrum.

Τίς βούλεται ἄριστος κρῑ́νεσθαι; Ἔδει δέ με καὶ συναντῆσαι κορασίῳ κομψῷ. Ἡ δὴ λῡπήσῃ ὅταν ἀκούσῃ ὅτι κατέλιπον αὐτὴν μόνον ὡς ἰὼν εἰς Σελήνην τὴν γραῦν.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Buck up, Joe! You’ll be a hero to all girls when you return! Right now, how about getting at your post at the aft-view television screen?

Bonō animō sīs, Jōsēphe! Cum redieris, fortissimus omnibus puellīs eris! Nunc autem, quīn statiōnem tuam ad quadrum ē puppī tēle-vīsificum īnīs?

Θάρσει, Ἴωσηπε. Ὅταν ἐπανέλθῃς ἄριστος ἔσῃ πᾱ́σαις ταῖς κόραις. Νῦν δέ, τί οὐκ εἰσέρχῃ τὴν στάσιν σου ἐπὶ τῇ ἐκ τῆς πρύμνης τηλε-ορᾱτικὸν ὀθόνῃ;

Okay, professor!

Let’s take a good look at earth from a distance of five thousand miles!

Faciam, professor!

Terram per quadrāgintā mīllia stadiōrum cōnsīderēmus!

Ποιήσω, καθηγητά.

Διασκοπῶμεν τὴν Γῆν διὰ τεσσάρων μῡρίων σταδίων.

Glorious! We can see all of America, from one end to the other! All the mountains and lakes and rivers!

Quam pulchrum! Tōtam enim Americam, ab ōrā ad ōram cernimus! Omnēs montēs et lacūs et flūmina!

Ὡς καλόν. Βλέπομεν γὰρ ὅλην τὴν Ἀμερικὴν ἐξ ἐσχάτων ἐς ἔσχατα. Πάντα τὰ ὄρη καὶ τὰς λίμνας καὶ τοὺς ποταμούς.

Even the big cities! There’s Los Angeles, and Chicago, and New York! Magnificent!

Et magnās urbēs! Ecce Angelōpolin et Sicāgum et Novum Eborācum! Mīrābile vīsū!

Καὶ τὰς μεγάλας πόλεις. Ἰδοὺ Ἀγγελώπολιν, Σικᾶγόν τε Νέον Ἐβόρᾱκόν τε. Θαῦμα ἰδέσθαι.

Hey, I can even see Brooklyn! Which reminds me- I wonder what the score is in today’s game with the Chicago Cubs?

Hem, et Brūclīnum videō! Quod me commonet dē hodiernō lūdō cum Sicāgoēnsibus Catulīs quanta faciant!

Ἔᾱ, καὶ Βρουκλῑ́νην ὁρῶ. Ὅπερ ὑπομιμνήσκει με τοῦ σήμερον ἀγῶνος μετὰ τῶν Σικᾶγαίων Κυνιδίων ὁπόσα ποιοῦσιν.

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Re: Destination Moon

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Oh! I’m feeling dizzy! I’m seasick!


Ō, vertīgine labōrō! Nauseō!


Ὤ, ἰλιγγιῶ. Ναυτιῶ.

Not seasick! This is space sickness, or the lack of gravity! It’s like riding a fast elevator down for hours!

Nōn ob mare sed ob spatium sīve quia deest gravitās! Quasi quī in scānsōriō vēlōciter diūque dēscendit!

Οὐ διὰ τὴν θάλασσαν ἀλλὰ διὰ τὸ διάστημα ἤτοι ὅτι ἀπολείπεται ἡ βαρύτης. Ὡς ὁ ἐν ἀκροβατικῷ ταχέως τε καὶ πολὺν χρόνον καταβαίνων.

I have some special pills! Take one, Joe!

Oops! My fingers slipped! Give me another one, professor!

Habeō ad hoc pilulās aliquās! Sūme ūnam, Jōsēphe!

Papæ! Lāpsa 'st ē digitīs meīs! Dā mihi alteram, professor!

Ἔχω ἐπὶ τοῦτο καταπότιά τινα. Λαβὲ ἕν, Ἰώσηπε.

Παπαῖ. Ὠλίσθηκε τῶν δακτύλων μου. Δός μοι ἕτερον, καθηγετά.

Why? This one didn’t drop to the floor! Nothing drops or spills during free fall! Everything just floats! So take it!

Cūr? Nōn est ista humī dēlāpsa! Nihil līberē cadēns nec dēlābitur nec dīlābitur! Omnia modo pendent! Sūme igitur eam!

Διὰ τί; Οὐκ ἀπωλίσθηκε χαμαὶ τοῦτο. Οὐδὲν γὰρ ἑλευθέρως πίπτον οὔτ' ἀπολισθάνει οὔτε διολισθάνει, ἀλλὰ πάντα αἰωρεῖται. Λαβὲ οὖν αὐτό.

Whaddya know? Couldn’t lose a collar button in this ship if you tried!

Pūtēs, fībulam in nāvī istā nōn āmitterēs etsī cōnārēris!

Φαίης ἄν, οὐκ ἂν ἀπεβάλλες περόνην ἐν τούτῳ τῷ πλοίῳ καίπερ πειρώμενος.

After they all take the pills…
That’s better! But it’s time now to contact Earth by radio and report all well!

Postea omnēs pilulās sumunt…
Melius mihi est! Tempus autem est nōs, Terrā per radiōphōnum vocātā, ut referāmus rēctē esse!

Ὕστερον πάντες λαμβάνουσι τὰ καταπότια...
Ῥᾴων ἔχω. Ἡμῖν δὲ καιρός ἐστι καλέσασιν δι' ἀκτῑνοφώνου τὴν γῆν ἀγγεῖλαι
καλῶς ἔχειν.

Right, general! Calling Dry Wells! Calling Dry Wells, Earth! Spaceship Luna calling Dry Wells, Earth!

Certē, præfecte! Puteōs Siccōs vocō! Puteōs Siccōs, Terram vocō! Astronāvis Diāna Siccōs, Terram vocat!

Ἀκρῑβῶς, στρατηγέ. Καλῶ Φρέατα Ξηρά. Καλῶ Φρέατα Ξηρά, Γῆν. Διαστημοπλοῖον Ἄρτεμις καλεῖ Φρέατα Ξηρά, Γῆν.

Contact station Dry Wells calling! We hear you! Is all OK?

Statiō vocātīva Puteī Siccī vocat! Vōs audīmus! Rēctēne estis?

Σταθμὸς κλητικὸς Φρέατα Ξηρὰ καλεῖ. Ἀκούομεν ῡ̔μῶν. Ἆρα καλῶς ἔχετε;

Roger! Take-off and flight plan on schedule! We're on our way to the Moon, unless this is all a dream!

Audīvimus! Ēvectī ōrdinātē nāvigāmus! In Lūnam prōgredimur, nisi somnium ista!

Ἀκηκόαμεν. Ἀπόγειοι γενόμενοι πλέομεν ἐν τάξει. Ὁδοποιούμεθα εἰς τὴν Σελήνην, εἰ μὴ ὄναρ ἐστὶ ταῦτα.

Yes, we’re on our way to the Moon! For you, professor, this is the culmination of half your lifetime!

Sānē in Lūnam prōgredimur! Quod tibi, professor, juventūtem tuam cōnsummat!

Ἀλεθῶς ὁδοποιούμεθα εἰς τὴν Σελήνην. Ὅπερ δέ σοι, καθηγετά, διατελεῖ τὴν ἡλικίαν σου.

And for you, general, it means that the army brass-hats are going to apologize to you on your knees for calling you a visionary fool!

Tibi autem, ō præfecte, hoc significat aliōs præfectōs veniam ā tē īnsānō appellātō supplicātūrōs esse!

Σοὶ δέ, στρατηγέ, τοῦτο σημαίνει ὅτι οἱ ἄλλοι στρατηγοὶ ἱκετεύσουσι συγγνώμην παρὰ σοῦ μανικοῦ ἀποκληθέντος.

Say, I’m hungry! How about our first meal in space?

Ēsuriō, inquam ego! Quid? Edāmusne prīmum in spatiō cibum?

Πεινῶ, ἔγωγέ φημι. Τί τὸ πρῶτον ἐν τῷ διαστήματι δεῖπνον ἡμῶν;


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Re: Destination Moon

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I’m getting the hang of this no gravity business! Don’t need a tray or table! You just let the things float in front of you!

Istud quod gravitās abest cognōscō! Nam nec mēnsulā nec mēnsā opus est! Ante autem pendeant fercula!

Μανθάνω τοῦτο τὸ βαρύτητα μὴ εἶναι. Οὐ γὰρ δεῖται τραπεζίου ουδὲ τραπέζης. Αἰωρείσθω δ' ἔμπροσθεν τὰ ἑδέσματα.

Yum! I’ll eat the banana first! No, wait!

I’ll eat the sandwich first! Don’t you go away!

Iō iō! Prīmum mūsam edō! Potius, manē!

Prīmum pānicellum edō! Nōlī abīre tū!

Ἰοὺ ἰού. Πρῶτον ἐσθίω τὴν μοῦσαν. Μᾶλλον, μεῖνον.

Πρῶτον ἐσθίω τὸ ἀρτίδιον. Μὴ ἄπιθι σύ.

Time passes as the spaceship bores its way through the vast empty reaches toward the Moon!

Aliquamdiū astronāvis per vacuum īnfīnītum viam suam ad Lūnam fodit.

Χρόνῳ δὲ τὸ διαστημοπλοῖον διὰ τοῦ κενοῦ ἀπείρου ὀρύσσει τὴν ἐπὶ τὴν Σελήνην ὁδὸν ἑαυτοῦ.

We’re coasting in free fall toward the Moon at our original speed of twenty thousand miles an hour! We won’t need a bit more fuel till we land on the Moon!

Prīstinā centum quīnquāgintā mīllium stadiōrum per hōram vēlōcitāte līberē cadentēs ad Lūnam prætervehimur! Nūllā autem māteriā ad combūrendum opus nōbīs erit dum ad Lūnam appellimus.

Τῇ ἀρχαίῃ πεντεκαίδεκα μῡρίων σταδίων ἀνὰ ὥραν ταχυτῆτι ἐλευθέρως πίπτοντες παραπλέομεν ἐπὶ τὴν Σελήνην. Οὐδεμίας δὲ καυσίμου ῡ̔́λης δεήσει ἡμῖν μέχρις ἂν προσορμισώμεθα εἰς τὴν Σελήνην.

You mean we get a free ride all the rest of the way, for over two hundred thousand miles?

Dīcis nōs grātīs ēvehī reliquum iter pæne per vīciēs centēna mīllia stadiōrum?

Λέγεις ὅτι δωρεὰν ὀχούμεθα τὸ λοιπὸν τῆς ὁδοῦ σχεδὸν διὰ διᾱκοσιάκις μῡρίων σταδίων;

Yes! Newton’s first law of motion states that in free space, any object that is moving keeps moving unless it is stopped! And there’s nothing to stop us, no air or anything!

Ita! Newtonī enim lēx mōtūs prīma dīcit quidquid in vacuō movētur in mōtū permanēre nisi retineātur. Nihil autem nōs retinet, neque āēr neque aliud quicquam!

Ναί. Ὁ γὰρ Νεύτωνος πρῶτος νόμος λέγει ὁτιοῦν ἐν τῷ κενῷ κῑνούμενον ἐν κῑνήσει διαμένειν ει μὴ κατέχεται. Οὐδὲν δὲ κατέχει ἡμᾶς, οὔτ' ᾱ̓ήρ, οὔθ' ἕτερόν τι.

We’ll only need fuel again to land on the Moon! By the way, let’s check our automatic pilot radar aerial now!

Μāteriā ad combūrendum īnsuper opus nōbīs erit tantum ut ad Lūnam appellāmus. Nunc vērō antennam auto-gubernātōris monitōriam probēmus.

Καυσίμου ῡ̔́λης μόνον προσδεήσει ἡμῖν τοῦ εἰς τὴν Σελήνην προσορμίζεσθαι. Νῦν δὴ δοκιμάζωμεν τὴν τοῦ αὐτοκυβερνήτου τηλεμετρικὴν κεραίαν.

It’s stuck, professor! It won’t crank out! But I greased it good before we left!

Hæret, professor! Neque exit! Atquī eam bene ūnxī antequam discēdimus!

Πέπηγε, καθηγητά. Οὐδ' ἐξέρχεται. Καί τοι καλῶς ἤλειψα αὐτὴν πρὶν ἀπεχωρήσαμεν.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Greased it? But the temperature of space is way down near two hundred seventy degrees below zero! That freezes grease solid! No wonder!

Num ūnxistī? Atquī temperātiō spatiī est centum septuāgintā gradūs Celsiī īnfrā zerum! Itaque congelātur unguentum! Nōn mīrum!

Μῶν ἤλειψας; Καί τοι ἡ κρᾶσις τοῦ διαστήματός ἐστιν ἑκατὸν ἑβδομήκοντα βαθμοὶ Κελσίου ὑπὸ τοῦ μηδενός. Καταπήγνῡται οὖν ἡ ἀλοιφή. Θαῦμά γε οὐδέν.

I- I didn’t know, sir!

We can’t land on the Moon without the radar for guidance! We’ve got to unloosen the antenna! And the only way to do that is to go outside the ship and fix it!

Nesciēbam, domine!

Sine monitōriō duce nequīmus ad Lūnam appellere! Necesse est nōbīs antennam solvere! Quod nisi nāvem exeāmus et illam reparēmus fierī nōn potest!

Ἠγνόουν, κῡ́ριε.

Μὴ ἡγουμένου τοῦ τηλεμετρικοῦ, ἀδυνατοῦμεν προσορμίζεσθαι εἰς τὴν Σελήνην. Ἀνάγκη ἡμῖν λῦσαι τὴν κεραίαν. Τοῦτο δ', ἐὰν μὴ τοῦ πλοίου ἐξελθόντες ἐκείνην ἐπισκευάσωμεν, οὐχ οἷόν ἐστιν.

Well, it’s my fault, so I’ll climb out and do the job. Huh?

Estō, hæc mea culpa est. Ideō forās ascendēns opus faciam!

Εἶεν, αἴτιός εἰμι τούτου. Διὸ ἔξω ἀναβὰς ποιήσω γε τοὔργον.

Stop, Joe! What would you breathe out there? There’s no air, remember?

Ulps! I forget! Brooklyn was never like that!

Cōnsiste, Jōsēphe! Quem spīritum dūcerēs foris? Nōnne abest illīc āēr?

Vah! Oblīvīscor! Numquam in Brūclīnō tālia!

Ἐπίσχε, Ἰώσηπε. Τί εἰσέπνεις ἔξω; Ἆρ' οὐκ ἄπει ἐκεῖ ὁ ᾱ̓ὴρ;

Ἔᾱ. Ἐπιλανθάνομαι. Οὐδέποτε ἐν Βρουκλῑ́νῃ τοιαῦτα.

We can only go out in our special space suits! It’s dangerous, but we have no choice! Barnes, Sweeney and myself will do the job, while the general stays inside.

Possumus sōlum vestem astronauticam gerentēs exīre. Perīculum adimus, at optiōnem nōn habēmus! Itaque ego et Puer et Suāvis opus faciēmus, præfectō intus manente.

Δυνάμεθα μόνον ἀστροναυτικὴν στολὴν φοροῦντες ἐξιέναι. Κινδῡνεύομεν μέν, αἵρεσιν δὲ οὐκ ἔχομεν. Ἐγὼ οὖν καὶ Παῖς καὶ Ἡδὺς ποιήσομεν τοὔργον, τοῦ στρατηγοῦ ἔνδον μένοντος.

We all have different colored suits, so we can easily identify each other that way, since our faces will be indistinct! I’m yellow, Barnes is red, and Joe Sweeney is green!

Omnēs nōs vestēs aliōrum colōrum habēmus, ut sīc inter nōs facile agnōscāmus, quia faciēs nostræ minus clāræ erunt. Ego croceus, Puer ruber, Jōsēphus Suāvis viridis!

Πάντες ἡμεῖς ἔχομεν στολὰς ἄλλων χρωμάτων, ἵνα οὕτως ἡμᾶς αὐτοὺς ῥᾳδίως ἐπιγιγνώσκωμεν, ὅτι τὰ πρόσωπα ἡμῶν ἀσαφῆ ἔσονται. Ἐγὼ μὲν κρόκινος, Παῖς δ' ἐρυθρός, Ἰώσηπος Ἡδὺς δὲ πράσινος.

Careful! We’re going into the air lock chamber between the inner and outer door! We can’t open the outer door until the inner door is pneumatically sealed behind us, or else all the ship’s air would rush out into the vacuum of space.

Cavēte! Ībimus enim in cellam āerī imperviam, interiōris exteriōrisque ōstiī mediam! Neque nōbīs licet aperīre exterius antequam interius post nōs pneumaticē occlūsum sit. Aliōquī tōtus nāvis āēr in spatium vacuum efferrētur.

Εὐλαβεῖσθε. Ἴομεν γὰρ εἰς τὸ στεγανὸν δωμάτιον τὸ μεταξὺ τῆς ἔσω καὶ τῆς ἔξω θύρας. Οὐδ' ἔξεστιν ἡμῖν ἀνοῖξαι τὴν ἔξω πρὶν ἂν ἡ ἔσω ὄπισθεν ἡμῶν πνευματικῶς κατακλεισθῇ. Εἰ δὲ μή, πᾶς ὁ τῆς νέως ᾱ̓ὴρ ἐξεφέρετο ἂν εἰς τὸ κενὸν διάστημα.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Okay! Now we open the outer door! The air in the airlock chamber now rushes out into space!

Bene! Nunc ōstium exterius aperīmus! Nunc āēr ē cellā āerī imperviā in spatium effertur!

Εὖγε. Νῦν δ' ἡ ἔξω θύρα ἀνοίγεται. Νῦν δ' ὁ ᾱ̓ὴρ ἐκφέρεται τοῦ στεγανοῦ δωματίου εἰς τὸ διάστημα.

And without air, no sound can be heard of course! Inter-com radios in your helmet switched on? Can you hear me?

Et sine āere scīlicet nūllus sonus audītur! Apertane sunt exceptācula ēmissāria in galeīs vestrīs? Audītisne mē?

Καὶ ἄνευ ᾱ̓ερὸς δῆλον ὅτι οὐδεὶς ἦχος ἀκούεται. Ἆρ' ἀνεῳγμένοι οἱ πομποδέκται ἐν τοῖς κράνεσιν ῡ̔́μῶν; Ἆρ' ἀκούετέ μου;

Okay, professor!

Bene, professor!

Εὖ, καθηγετά.

Whaddya know? No air around us at all! Gosh, space sure is black! And there’s Earth, far away!

Papæ! Nūllus omnīnō āēr circā nōs! Hercle, spatium est profectō nigrum! Illīc longē exstat Terra!

Βαβαί. Οὐκ ἔστιν ᾱ̓ὴρ οὐδεὶς περὶ ἡμᾶς. Νὴ τὸν Ἡρακλέα, τὸ διάστημά ἐστιν ἀληθῶς μέλαν. Ἐκεῖ δὲ πόρρω ἐξέχει ἡ Γῆ.

Fasten your safety lines right away, men! Even though our magnetic shoes hold us down, we are taking no chances of floating off through space!

Statim alligāte vōbīs fūnēs sēcūritātis, ō virī! Etsi calceāmenta magnētica nōs tenent, nē periculum pendēndī per spatium adeāmus!

Εὐθὺς δήσασθε τοὺς σχοίνους ἀσφαλείας, ὦνδρες. Καίπερ τῶν μαγνητικῶν ὑποδημάτων ἡμᾶς συνεχόντων, μὴ κινδῡνεύωμεν αἰωρεῖσθαι διὰ τοῦ διαστήματος.

There’s the radar antenna that’s stuck! We’ll loosen it in a few minutes!

Ecce antenna monitōria quæ hæret! Brevī tempore solvēmus eam!

Ἰδοὺ ἡ τηλεμετρικὴ κεραία πεπηγυῖα. Ἐν ὀλίγῳ χρόνῳ λῡ́σομεν αὐτήν.

You two can fix it without my help! I’m going to take a look at the rocket tubes in the back to make sure they're in good condition!

Vōs duo sine mē eam sarciātis! Ego autem radiōs igniferōs ā tergō īnspiciam ut cognōscam eōs bene sē habēre!

Σφὼ μὲν ἐπισκευάσαιτε αὐτὴν ἄνευ ἐμοῦ. Ἐγὼ δ' ἐπισκοπήσω ὄπισθε τοὺς πῡραύλους ἵνα γνῶ αὐτοὺς καλῶς ἔχοντας.


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Re: Destination Moon

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The safety line is too short to let me see the tubes! Well, my magnetic shoes will hold me the rest of the way.

Fūnis sēcūritātis brevior est quam ut radiōs videam. Estō, calceāmenta magnētica per reliquum mē tenebunt.

Ὁ σχοῖνος ἀσφαλείας βραχύτερός ἐστιν ἢ ὥστε με ὁρᾶν τοὺς αὐλούς. Εἶεν, τὰ μαγνητικὰ ὑποδήματα καθέξει με διὰ τοῦ λοιποῦ.

Hmm! Guess the rocket tubes held up fine!

Ut opīnor, radiī igniferī bene sē habent!

Ὡς εἰκάσαι, οἱ πῡ́ραυλοι καλῶς ἔχουσιν.

I’m returning now and - eh? I’m floating! I forgot that while I kneeled my magnetic shoes lost contact with the steel hull!

Nunc redeō et... quid? Pendeō! Oblītus sum, genibus flexīs, calceāmenta magnētica ab alveō chalybēïō disjūncta esse!

Νῦν ἐπανέρχομαι καί...τί; Αἰωροῦμαι. Ἐπελαθόμην ὅτι, ἐμοῦ γονυπετήσαντος, τὰ μαγνητικὰ ὑποδήματα διεζεύχθη τοῦ χαλυβδικοῦ σκάφους.

Barnes! Joe! Help! Hurry! I’m adrift!

Παῖ. Ἰώσηπε. Βοηθεῖτε. Σπεύδετε. Περιπλέω.

Puer! Jōsēphe! Succurrite! Festīnāte! Fluitō!

Great Scott!

He can grab this life-line. I missed!

I’ll try again. Omigosh! It’s too short now!


Prehendat hanc fūnem! Aberrāvī!

Iterum cōnābor! Edepol! Nunc brevius est!

Νὴ τὸν Δία.

Λάβοι τόνδε τὸν σχοῖνον. Ἡμάρτηκα.

Πάλιν πειρᾱ́σομαι. Νὴ Δία. Νῦν βράχιόν ἐστιν.

Good heavens! The professor will keep floating away, slowly but surely out into empty space!

Prō deum fidem! Professor pendēre nōn cessābit, sed festīnat lentē in spatium vacuum!

Νὴ τὸν οὐρανόν. Ὁ καθηγητὴς οὐ παύσεται αἰωρούμενος, ἀλλὰ σπεύδει βραδέως εἰς τὸ κενὸν διάστημα.

What a horrible way to die, alone in space! Can’t we do something to save him, Barnes?

Quam miser perit sōlus in spatiō! Nōnne possumus salvum eum facere, ō Puer?

Κακοδαίμων ὡς ἀπόλλυται μόνος ἐν τῷ διαστήματι. Ἆρ' οὐχ οἷοί ἐσμεν σῴζειν αὐτόν, ὦ Παῖ;

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Re: Destination Moon

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Yes! There’s one hope! General Thayer can hear us via inter-com radio! Thayer! Put on your space suit and bring out an oxygen tank! Hurry! Life and death for the professor!

Possumus! Ūna spēs est! Præfectus Depstor exceptāculō ēmissāriō nōs audit! Depstor, vestem indūtus astronauticam effer receptāculum oxigenī! Properā! Perīclitātur enim de capite professor!

Ναί, μία ἐλπίς ἐστιν. Ὁ στρατηγὸς Δέψης διὰ πομποδέκτου ἀκούει ἡμῶν. Δέψη, τὴν ἀστροναυτικὴν περιβαλόμενος στολήν, ἐξένεγκε δεξαμενὴν ὀξυγόνου. Σπεῦδε. Κινδῡνεύει γὰρ περὶ ψῡχῆς ὁ καθηγητής.


Here it is, Barnes! But I don’t understand!

How can you use a tank of compressed oxygen to save the professor?


Ecce, Puer! Ego autem nōn intellegō!

Quomodo ūtēns receptaculō oxigenī compressī salvum professōrem faciēs?


Ἰδού, Παῖ. Εγὼ δ' οὐ συνίημι.

Πῶς χρώμενος δεξαμενῇ ὀξυγόνου πεπιεσμένου σῴσεις τὸν καθηγητήν;

Remember that Woody Woodpecker cartoon, General?

He used a shotgun and I’m using a jet of oxygen, but the same principle is being used, recoil or reaction!

Meministīne pelliculam dē Pīcō Pīcumnō illam, ō præfecte?

Quī sclopētō ūsus est, ego autem oxigenō saliente ūtor. Sed tamen idem prīncipium est, scīlicet repulsiō sīve reāctiō!

Ἆρα μέμνησαι ἐκείνην τὴν περὶ Δρυὸς Δρυοκολάπτου ταινίαν, ὦ στρατηγέ;

Ὁ μὲν ἐχρήσατο πυροβόλῳ, ἐγὼ δὲ χρῶμαι ὀξυγόνῳ πιδύοντι. Ἀλλὰ μὴν ἡ αὐτὴ ἀρχή ἐστιν, δηλονότι ἀνάκρουσις ἤτοι ἀντίδρᾱσις.

Or I’m mostly like a jet plane! The gas is puffing out with enough force to push me along, just like jets shove a plane into the sky!

Sīve similis sum āere impulsæ nāvī. Ut enim nāvis āere impellitur in cælum, sīc āēr tantā vī exsufflātur ut mē pellat.

Ἤτοι ἔοικα ᾱ̓εριωθουμένῳ σκάφει. Ὥσπερ γὰρ σκάφος ᾱ̓εριωθεῖται εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν, ὡσαύτως τὸ ᾱ̓έριον τοσαύτῃ δυνάμει ἐκφῡσᾶται ὥστε ὠθεῖν με.

Wonderful, Barnes! Your quick thinking saved me before I drifted too far from the ship!

Mīrābile, Puer! Tua enim mātūra cōgitātiō mē salvum fēcit antequam longius ā nāvī fluitāssem!

Θαυμαστόν, Παῖ. Σοῦ γὰρ ἡ εὔκαιρος διάνοια σέσωκέν με πρὶν πορρωτέρω ἀπὸ τῆς νεὼς περέπλευσα.

Grab hands, professor! Now we’ll ride the oxygen tank back!

Arripe manūs, professor! Nunc revehimur receptāculō oxigenī!

Ἅρπασον τὰς χεῖρας, καθηγητά. Νῦν ἀπελαύνομεν τὴν δεξαμενὴν ὀξυγόνου.

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Re: Destination Moon

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Let’s pray that the oxygen holds out! We’re aimed a little crooked and if it stops, we’ll float past them!

Precēmur ut oxigenum sustineat! Cum paulum aberrāverimus, sī ipsum dēfēcerit, pendentēs præterībimus eōs!

Εὐχώμεθα τὸ ὀξύγονον ἀνέχειν. Ἐπεῖ ὀλίγον ἡμαρτήκαμεν, ἐὰν αὐτὸ ἐλλίπῃ, αἰωρούμενοι δίιμεν αὐτούς.

The tank is empty!

But I can reach you now with the rope! Grab it!

Receptāculum vacuum est!

Ego autem possum nunc fūne attingere vōs! Arripite eam!

Ἡ δεξαμενὴ κενή ἐστιν.

Ἐγὼ δὲ δύναμαι νῦν τῷ σχοίνῳ ἐφάψασθαι ῡ̔μῶν. Ἁρπάσατε αὐτόν.


Quote “Whew” Unquote

But once back on the ship…


Vix et ægrē!

Tunc autem in nāve...


Καὶ μάλα μόλις.

Τότε δ’ ἐν τῇ νηΐ...

That was close! But forget it now! We’re nearing the Moon! Prepare for landing maneuvers!

Quantum perīculum adīvī! Sed nōlīte nunc hoc cūrāre! Prope Lūnam sumus! Estōte parātī ad appellendum!

Ὅσον κίνδῡνον ἐκινδῡ́νευσα. Ἀλλὰ μὴ φροντίζετε νῦν τούτου. Ἐγγὺς τῆς Σελήνης ἐσμέν. Παρασκευάσασθε ὡς προσορμισόμενοι.

The Moon! Airless, lifeless, utterly desolate! The landing is going to be dangerous, among those jagged mountains and craters!

Ecce Lūna, aere animantibusque cārēns, enimvērō dēserta! Appulsus autem inter illōs montēs asperōs et crātērēs perīculōsus erit!

Ἰδού, ἡ Σελήνη, ᾱ̓έρος τε καὶ ζώντων κενή, καὶ γάρ τοι ἔρημος. Ἡ δ' ἐν ἐκείνοις τοῖς τραχέσιν ὄρεσι καὶ κρᾱτῆρσι προσόρμισις ἔσται ἐπικίνδῡνος.

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Re: Destination Moon

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First, I’ll shift the gyroscope which pointed us toward the Moon during the trip! Hang on, everybody!

Prīmum quidem mūtō gȳroscopium quod nōs in Lūnam nāvigantēs indicāvit! Sustinēte, vōs omnēs!

Πρῶτον μὲν ἀλλάσσω τὸ γῡροσκόπιον ὅ ἔδειξεν ἡμᾶς πρὸς τὴν Σελήνην πλέοντας. Ἀνέχεσθε ῡ̔μεῖς πάντες.

The ship is swinging around in a half circle, so that the back of the rocket will point toward the Moon!

Nāvis in sēmicirculō circumfertur, ut posterior radius ignifer in Lūnam indicet!

Ἡ ναῦς περιφέρεται ἐν ἡμικυκλίῳ ὅπως ὁ ὀπίσθιος πῡ́ραυλος πρὸς τὴν Σελήνην δείξει.

Oh, my stomach! But why are we turning, professor?

Quam nauseō! Quid vērō vertimur, professor?

Ὡς ναυτιῶ. Τί δὴ τρεπόμεθα, καθηγητά;

So that the rockets will act as a brake and slow us down as we land on the Moon! Rockets on!

Ut radius frēnāns tardet nōs ad Lūnam appellentēs! Accendātur radius!

Ἵνα ὁ πῡ́ραυλος χαλῑνῶν βραδύνῃ ἡμᾶς προσορμίζοντας εἰς τὴν Σελήνην. Ἁνήφθω ὁ πῡ́ραυλος.

Deceleration is a strain, like the take-off was, but it’s not nearly as bad! Now all we have to do is miss any mountains while landing, and find some smooth area!

Retardandō tendimur, ut cum ēnāvigāvimus, sed nōn tam vehementer! Nunc appellentibus nōbīs dēclīnandum omnēs montēs, inveniendum plānitiem aliquam!

Ἐπιβραδῡ́νοντες τεινόμεθα ὠς ἡνίκ' ἐξεπλεύσαμεν, ἀλλ' οὐχ οὕτω δεινῶς. Νῦν δὲ μόνον ἡμῖν προσορμιζομένοις ἐκκλιτέον μὲν πάντα τὰ ὄρη, εὑρετέον δὲ πεδίον τι.

Look out, mountains!

Whe! Just missed ‘em!

Cavēte montēs!

Vah! Vix eōs dēclīnāvimus!

Εὐλαβήθητε τὰ ὄρη.

Φεῦ. Μόλις ἐξεκλῑ́ναμεν αὐτά.

It’s all rugged around here, unluckily! The only smooth place is the floor of this giant crater! Got to land here! Ready for landing! It’ll be rough!

Ugh! Oof! Oho!

Heu mihi, tōta quæ circā'st regiō aspera. Nam ūna plānitiēs in hōc maximō crātēre jacet. Necesse'st hīc appellere! Parāte vōs ad ærumnās!

Ā! Vah! Ō!

Οίμοι, πάντα τὰ πέριξ χωρία τυγχάνει τραχέα ὄντα. Τὸ γὰρ μόνον πεδίον κεῖται ἐν τῷδε τῷ μεγίστῳ κρᾱτῆρι. Ἀνάγκη ἐνταῦθα προσορμίσασθαι. Παρασκευάσασθε πρὸς τὰ χαλεπά.

Ἆ. Φεῦ. Ὤ


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Re: Destination Moon

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For a moment there is deathly silence…

But the crew is only stunned and , soon…

Parumper omnēs silent…

Sed solum sōpiuntur nautæ et cōnfestim...

Ὀλίγον ὅσον πάντες σιωπῶσιν…

Ἀλλὰ μονὸν καταπλήσσονται οἱ ναῦται καὶ εὐθύς...

Landing successful! Cut gyros! Jacks down!

We’re safe on the Moon!

Fine landing, Barnes!

Appulimus! Gȳroscopia quiēscant! Ancora dēmittātur!

Salvī in Lūnā sumus!

Bene appulistī, Puer!

Προσωρμισμένοι ἐσμέν. Γῡροσκόπια πεπαύσθω. Ἄγκῡρα καθείσθω.

Σεσωσμένοι ἐπὶ τῆς Σελήνης ἐσμέν.

Εὖ προσώρμισας, Παῖ.

It was a bad one and you know it! We used more fuel than we should have! Hope it didn’t short us for the take-off later!

Tū scīs mē male fēcisse! Plūs enim combussimus quam oportēbat! Utinam nē egeāmus cum ēnāvigandum fuerit!

Σὺ οἶσθ' ὅτι κακῶς ἔπραξα. Πλεῖον γὰρ τοῦ δέοντος ἐκαυσάμεθα. Εῖθε μὴ ἀποροῖμεν ὅταν ἐκπλεῦσαι δέῃ.

Forget that right now! We’re on the Moon, men! Professor, you and Barnes put on your space suits! You’ll have the honor of first stepping out on the Moon!

Νōlīte nunc hoc cūrāre! In Lūnā sumus, ō virī. Professor, tū et Puer vestēs astronautīcās induite! Meritus enim es ut prīmus in Lūnam ēgrediāris!

Μὴ φροντίζετε νῦν τούτου. Ἐπὶ τῆς Σελήνης ἐσμέν, ὦνδρες. Καθηγητά, σὺ καὶ Παῖς περιβάλεσθε τὰς ἀστροναυτικὰς στολάς. Ἄξιος γὰρ εἶ πρῶτος ἐκβῆναι ἐπὶ τὴν Σελήνην.

And Joe! You radio Washington on Earth and tell them we made the Moon! This news will rock the world!

Tū autem, Jōsēphe, Vasingtoniam in Terrā vocā ut nūntiēs nōs in Lūnam pervēnisse. Quod vērō hominēs commovēbit!

Σὺ δέ, Ἰώσηπε, κάλεσον Οὐάσινγκτον ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς ἀγγελῶν ὅτι εἰς τὴν Σελήνην ἀφῑ́γμεθα. Ὃ δὴ ἐπᾱρεῖ τοὺς ἀνθρώπους.

Spaceship Luna calling Washington!


There goes our automatic ladder, down to the ground! And you go down first, professor!

Astronāvis Diāna Vasingtoniam vocat!


Ecce, humī dēfertur nostra scāla automatāria! Tū autem prīmus dēscende, professor!

Διαστημοπλοῖον Ἄρτεμις καλεῖ Οὐάσινγκτον.

Ἐν δὲ τῷ μεταξύ...

Ἰδού, χαμᾶζε καταφέρεται ἡ αὐτομάτη κλῖμαξ ἡμῶν. Σὺ δὲ πρῶτος κατάβηθι, καθηγητά.

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Re: Destination Moon

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You will have the honor of being the first human being ever to set foot on the Moon itself!

Μeritus es ut prīmus homō sīs quī umquam pedem in ipsā Lūna posuerit!

Ἄξιος εἶ πρῶτος ἄνθρωπος εἶναι ὅστις ποτὲ πόδα ἐπ' αὐτῆς τῆς Σελήνης ἔθηκεν.

What an honor! Just to think that all through future history now it will be said that professor Charles Cargraves first set foot on the Moon! This is my lifetime’s dream come true!

Magnus honor! Enimvērō cōnsīderāte: omne per ævum dīcētur professor Carolus Gæsoscrobis prīmus pedem in Lūnā posuisse! Assequor ergō quæ cupiēbam!

Μεγάλη ἡ τῑμή. Ἐννοεῖτε γὰρ δή · εἰς ἅπαντα τὸν αἰῶνα εἰρήσεται καθηγητὴς Κάρολος Γαισόταφρος πρῶτος πόδα ἐπὶ τῆς Σελήνης θεῖναι. Τυγχάνω οὖν ὧν ἐπεθῡ́μουν.

Now claim it, professor, like Columbus claimed America!

Νunc eam, professor, vindicā, sicut Columbus Americam vindicāvit!

Νῦν, καθηγητά, ἐπιδίκασαι αὐτῆς, ὡς Κολόμβος ἐπεδικάσατο τῆς Ἀμερικῆς.

By the grace of God and in the name of the United States of America, I take possession of this planet on behalf of and for the benefit of all mankind.

Grātiā Deī et in nōmine Cīvitātum Fœderātārum Americæ, planētam hunc omnibus hominibus ūsuī atque adjūmentō obtineō!

Χάριτι Θεοῦ καὶ ἐν ὀνόματι τῶν Ἡνωμένων Πολῑτειῶν Ἀμερικῆς, τόνδε τὸν πλάνητα κατέχω ἐπʼ ἀγαθῷ καὶ ὠφελίᾳ πάντων τῶν ἀνθρώπων.

Professor! Washington came in! There’s terrific excitement on Earth! They’ve hooked up all the networks and they want to hear your voice! Go ahead! I’ve hooked your helmet intercom into the circuit! All Earth is listening, go ahead!

Professor! Vasingtonia respondit! Animī in Terrā vehementer commoventur! Omnibus enim rētibus connexīs, vōcem tuam audīre volunt! Loquere! Nam exceptāculum galeæ tuæ ēmissārium circuituī connexī! Itaque omnis Terra audit, loquere!

Καθηγητά, Οὐάσινγκτον ἀπεκρίνατο. Οἱ δ' ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς ἄνθρωποι δεινῶς ταράσσονται. Πάντα γὰρ τὰ δίκτυα συνδήσαντες, βούλονται ἀκούειν τὴν φωνήν σου. Λέγε. Συνδέδηκα γὰρ τῷ κυκλώματι τὸν τοῦ κράνους σου πομποδέκτην. Πᾶσα οὖν ἡ Γῆ ἀκούει, λέγε.

The Moon! It’s an utterly barren world, desolate and silent! I can’t begin to describe the weird moonscape! And Earth itself, looking like a giant moon, is a beautiful sight from here!

Ecce Lūna! Tam sterilis, dēserta, taciturna ut modo tālem locum dēscrībere nequeam! Terra autem et ipsa, similis Lūnæ maximæ cuidam, mīrābile vīsū!

Ἰδού, ἡ Σελήνη. Ἡ οὕτως ἄκαρπος, ἔρημος, σιωπηλὴ οὖσα ὥστε μόνον οὐ δύναμαι τοιαύτην χώραν διηγεῖσθαι. Ἡ δὲ Γῆ καὶ αὐτή, ὁμοία μεγίστῃ Σελήνῃ τινὶ οὖσα, θαῦμα ἰδέσθαι.

A word from Jim Barnes now, too!

Nunc autem loquitur Jācōbus Puer!

Νῦν δὲ λέγει Ἰᾱ́κωβος Παῖς.

I can’t add much to what the professor said, except to say this is thrilling beyond measure! But we’ll sign off now as we have many things to do before we leave again!

Locūtō sic professōre, nihil amplius dīcō nisi quod vehementer lætor! Nunc autem valedīcimus quia multa nōbīs facienda sunt ante quam discēdāmus!

Λέξαντος δʼ οὕτω τοῦ καθηγητοῦ, οὐκέτι πρὸς τούτοις λέγω εἰ μὴ ὅτι ὑπερήδομαι. Νῦν δ' ἀσπαζόμεθα ἐπεὶ πολλὰ ἡμῖν πρακτέα ἐστὶ πρὶν ἂν ἀποχωρήσωμεν.

Here come the general and Joe Sweeney with a Schmidt telescopic camera to take pictures.

Ecce veniunt præfectus et Jōsēphus Suāvis cum tēlescopiō phōtographicō Schmidt.

Ἰδοὺ παραγίγνονται ὁ στρατηγὸς καὶ Ἰώσηπος Ἡδὺς ἔχοντε τηλεσκόπιον φωτογραφικὸν Σμίτ.

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Re: Destination Moon

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Bring the camera over here, Joe, please!

Over there! All by myself? Who do you think I am .. Hercules?

Jōsēphe, affer hūc tēlescopium, quæsō!

Num ego istūc? Quem putās mē esse? Herculem?

Ἰώσηπε, ἔνεγκε δεῦρο τὸ τηλεσκόπιον, δέομαί σου.

Μῶν ἐγὼ ἐκεῖσε; Τίνα νομίζεις με εἶναι; Τὸν Ἡρακλέα;

Try it, Joe! Go ahead!

All right! But I’ll bet I cannot even budge this thing one inch!

Cōnāre, Jōsēphe! Age dum!

Estō, sed fierī nōn potest ut rem istam nē vix quidem moveam!

Πείρᾱσαι, Ἰώσηπε. Ἄγε δή.

Εἶεν, ἀλλ' οὐκ ἔστιν ὅπως οὐδ' ἐλάχιστον κῑνήσω τοῦτο τὸ χρῆμα.

Huh? Why, I can lift it like nothing! But it must weigh at least five hundred pounds!

Quid? Nam levissimam rem tollō! Quæ autem quīngenta saltem pondō pendere dēbet!

Τί; Κουφότατον γάρ τι αἴρω. Τοῦτο δ' ὀφείλει πεντακοσίαις γε λίτραις σταθμᾶσθαι.

On Earth it does! But the Moon’s gravity is only one-sixth of Earth’s! So it weighs less than a hundred pounds!

Ιn Terrā sīc rēs sē habet. Lūnæ autem sōlum sextāns est gravitātis Terræ. Itaque minus quam centum pondō penditur!

Ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς οὕτως ἔχει. Τῇ δὲ Σελήνῃ μόνον τὸ ἑκτημόριόν ἐστι τῆς βαρύτητος τῆς Γῆς. Ὥστε μεῖον ἢ ἑκατὸν λίτραις σταθμᾶται.

Why, that means if I take a jump…yayyy! I just broke the world’s record high jump!

Ergō sī saluerō... papæ! Modo altissimum orbis terræ saltum in altum saluī!

Οὐκοῦν ἐὰν πηδήσω... βαβαί. Ἄρτι πεπήδηκα τὸ ὑψηλότατον τῆς οἰκουμένης ἅλμα εἰς ὕψος.

While you three do some exploration and testing, I’m going to call Hastings on Earth, our expert calculator, and find out if our fuel is okay for take-off, after that bad landing!

Dum vōs trēs trānseuntēs probātis, vocābō Hastingam in Terrā, nostrum perītum calculātōrem, ut discāmus num māteria ad combūrendum sufficiat nōbīs, quī male appulerīmus!

Ἐν ᾧ ῡ̔μεῖς τρεῖς διέξοντες δοκιμάζεσθε, καλέσω τὸν Ἁστίγγην ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς, τὸν ἔμπειρον λογιστὴν ἡμῶν, ἵνα μάθωμεν εἰ τὸ καύσιμον διαρκεῖ ἐκπλεῦσαι ἡμῖν κακῶς προσορμισαμένοις.

Bring along the camera, Joe! I want some good pictures of the moonscape and sky!

Αffer hūc telēscopium, Jōsēphe! Volō enim aliquot imāginēs locī cælīquē pulchrās!

Φέρε δεῦρο τὸ τελησκόπιον, Ἰώσηπε. Βούλομαι γὰρ εἰκόνας τῆς τε χώρας καὶ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καλάς τινας.

And I’ll test for mineral deposits with this Geiger counter!

Ego autem mēnsōre radiōāctīvitātis hōc metalla quæram!

Ἐγὼ δὲ τῷδε τῷ ἀκτῑνενεργείας μετρητῇ ζητήσω τὰ μέταλλα.

There’s no air on the Moon to distort these astronomical shots! They’ll make a sensation on Earth!

Abest āēr in Lūnā ut imāginēs astrōrum istās corrumpat! Quæ vērō animōs in Terrā commovēbunt!

Ἄπεστιν ὁ ᾱ̓ὴρ ἐπὶ τῆς Σελήνης ὥστε διαφθείρειν τὰς ἄστρων εἰκόνας ταύτας. Αἵ δὴ τοῦς ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς ἀνθρώπους κῑνήσουσιν.

Professor, uhu, could you spare one for me? Just something to show the girls on Earth! You know what I mean, eh?

Ō professor, dēs ūnam mihi? Imāginculam quamdam puellīs in Terrā ostendendam! Dictum sapientī sat est.

Ὦ καθηγητά, δοίης ἂν μίαν ἐμοί; Εἰκόνιόν τι δεῖξαι ταῖς ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς κόραις. Ὁ νοῶν νοείτω.


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Re: Destination Moon

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A little back, Joe. Now put up your arms as if holding something heavy. That’s it!

Paulum retrō, Jōsēphe! Nunc tolle bracchia quasi magnum pondus sustinēns. Sīc est!

Ὀλίγον ὀπίσω, Ἰώσηπε. Νῦν δ’ ἆρον τοὺς βραχῑ́ονας ὡς μέγαν σταθμὸν ἀνέχων. Οὑτωσῑ́.

Huh? I don’t get it! Why this crazy pose?

Ō? Nōn intellegō! Cūr figūra ista?

Ὤ; Οὐ συνίημι. Διὰ τί τοῦτο τὸ σχῆμα;

Because, Joe, the Earth is right over you and in this picture you will look like Atlas holding up the world! Show that to all your girlfriends!

Quia, Jōsēphe, Terrā super tē stante, similis in imāgine hāc eris Atlantis orbem sustinentis! Ipsam omnibus amīcīs tuīs ostende!

Ὅτι, Ἰώσηπε, τῆς Γῆς ὑπὲρ σοῦ ἱσταμένης, ὅμοιος ἐν τῇδε τῇ εἰκόνι ἔσῃ Ἄτλαντι ἀνέχοντι τὴν σφαῖραν. Ἥνπερ πᾱ́σαις ταῖς φίλαις δείκνῡ.

Professor! my Geiger counter is clicking! That means a deposit of Uranium ore here! Who said this trip wouldn’t be worthwhile? It'll pay off in dollars and cents some day!

Professor, mēnsor radiōāctīvitātis meus mētītur! Quod significat Ūranium hīc positum esse! Nōnne nāvigātiō ista ūtilis? Reddet enim aliquandō mūtuum!

Καθηγητά, ὁ ἀκτῑνενεργείας μετρητής μου μετρεῖ. Ὃ δὲ σημαίνει Οὐράνιον ἐνταῦθα κεῖσθαι. Πῶς οὐχ οὗτος ὁ πλοῦς χρηστός; Ἀποδώσει γάρ ποτε τὸ χρέος.

Barnes! We have exciting news…

Ō Puer, nuntiōs exoptātōs adferimus...

Ὦ Παῖ, εὐαγγελιζόμεθά σοι...

I’ve got news for you men, bad news! I checked with Hastings on Earth! He says we barely have enough fuel to leave the Moon!

Mēmet oportet nūntiāre vōbīs, ō virī, trīste. Interrogāvī enim Hastingam in Terrā! Quī ait māteriam vix sufficientem nōbīs esse ut ē Lūnā excēdāmus!

Ἐμὲ δὲ χρὴ ἀγγεῖλαι ῡ̔μῖν, ὦνδρες, κακόν τι. Ἠρόμην γὰρ τὸν Ἁστίγγην ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς. Ὃς δὲ λέγει ὅτι ἔχομεν καύσιμον μόλις ἱκανὸν ἀποχωρῆσαι ἐκ τῆς Σελήνης.

And only if we throw out all excess weight! We’ve to get rid of everything we don’t need, or we’ll never leave the Moon at all!

Neque hoc fīet nisi redundantia jēcerimus! Nōn necessāria tollenda dē mediō sunt, aut ē Lūnā omnīnō numquam excēdēmus!

Κοὐκ ἔξεσται τοῦτο ἐὰν μὴ ἐκβάλωμεν τὰ περισσά. Τὰ οὐκ ἀναγκαῖα ἀναιρετέα ἐστὶν ἐκ μέσου, ἢ ἐκ τῆς Σελήνης πάντως οὐδέποτε ἀποχωρήσομεν.

Bad news indeed! We’d better start right away! Take-off time is only twenty five hours away!

Et trīste quidem! Decet nōs statim incipere! Occāsio ēnāvigandī tantum in XV hōrās est!

Καὶ κακόν γε. Πρέπει ἡμῖν εὐθὺς ἄρχεσθαι. Ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς τοῦ ἐκπλεῖν μόνον εἰς κε' ὥρας ἐστίν.

And, in the following hours a grim task…

Toss it out! Toss out anything that isn’t absolutely essential for the return trip!

Posteā acerbum opus faciunt...

Jactāte! Jactāte omnia nōn omnīnō necessāria ad redeundum!

Ἔπειτα ποιοῦσι πικρὸν ἔργον...

Ῥίπτετε. Ῥίπτετε πάντα τὰ οὐ πάντως ἀναγκαῖα ἐπανιέναι.


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Re: Destination Moon

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But as take-off time draws near…

We’ve thrown out almost two and a half tons of stuff! But we have to strip out another one hundred ten pounds or we can’t leave the Moon!

Occāsiōne autem ēnāvigandī appropinquante...

Ferē centum vāsōrum talenta jēcimus. Opus est autem nōs etiam centum decem lībrās exuere aut ē Lūnā nōn excēdēmus!

Ἐπεὶ δ' ὁ καιρὸς τοῦ ἐκπλεῖν ἐγγὺς γίγνεται...

Ἐκβεβλήκαμεν σχεδὸν ἑκατὸν σκευῶν τάλαντα. Δεῖ δ' ἡμᾶς ἔτι ἑκατὸν δεκὰ λίτρας ἐκδύειν ἢ οὐκ ἀποχωρήσομεν ἐκ τῆς Σελήνης.

One hundred ten pounds? But gosh, the only thing left to throw out is stuff in our pockets, and that won’t be enough! What’ll we do?

Num centum decem lībrās? Hercle, tantum rēs in sacculīs nōbīs ēiciendæ sunt, neque satis est! Quid faciēmus?

Μὴ ἑκατὸν δεκὰ λίτρας; Νὴ τὸν Δία, μόνον τὰ ἐν τοῖς θῡλακίοις ἔξεστιν ἡμῖν ἐκβαλεῖν, οὐδʼ ἱκανόν ἐστιν. Τί ποιήσωμεν;

Four men look at one another with but a single dread thought!

Quattuor quidem virī sē mūtuō aspiciunt, ūnum autem terribile cōgitant.

Τέσσαρες μὲν ἄνδρες πρὸς ἀλλήλους βλέπουσιν, ἓν δὲ φοβερὸν ἐννοοῦσιν.

There’s only one answer. A man’s weight is over one hundred ten pounds! One of us has to stay behind on the Moon!

Ūnum respondī potest. Homō enim plūs quam centum decem lībrās prēndit! Ergō ūnī ē nōbīs in Lūnā manendum est!

Ἓν ἔστιν ἀποκρῑ́νεσθαι. Ἄνθρωπος γὰρ πλεῖον ἢ ἑκατὸν δεκὰ λίτρας σταθμᾶται. Ἕνα οὖν ἡμῶν δεῖ ἐπὶ τῆς Σελήνης μένειν.

It’ll be me, of course! I’m the oldest and most useless

Mihi scīlicet! Maximus nātū enim et inūtilissimus sum...

Ἐμὲ δηλαδή. Πρεσβύτατος γὰρ καὶ ἀχρηστότατός εἰμί...

No, general Thayer! I’ve had my great moment of glory, discovering the Moon! I’ll stay!

Minimē, præfectē Depstor. Nam summam glōriam adeptus sum, Lūnā inventā! Ipse manēbō!

Οὐχί, στρατηγὲ Δέψη. Τετύχηκα γὰρ μεγίστης δόξης τὴν Σελήνην εὑρηκώς. Αὐτὸς μενῶ.

You’re both wrong! I’m the official chief pilot and skipper, so I’m in command! I command you all to leave, while I stay behind!

Ambō nōn rēctē dīcitis! Ego sum gubernātor nauarchusque. Sīcut ergō dux, jubeō vōs abīre, dum ego maneō.

Οὐκ ὀρθῶς λέγετον. Ἐγώ εἰμι ὅ τε κυβερνήτης καὶ ὁ ναύαρχος. Ὡς ἄρχων οὖν κελεύω ῡ̔μᾶς ἀπιέναι, ἐμοῦ μένοντος.

I object!



Hold it, you guys! No sense quarreling over who’s going to be the hero! The only fair thing is to draw lots!

Favēte linguīs, hominēs! Stultum est certāre quis fortissimus sit! Tantummodo æquum est sortibus ūtī.

Εὐφημεῖτε, ἄνθρωποι. Eὔηθες ἀγωνίζεσθαι τίς ὁ ἀνδρειότατός ἐστιν. Μόνον δ' ἄξιόν ἐστι κληροῦσθαι.

Joe is right! We’ll draw lots! Loser stays! Let’s go up in the ship!

Rēctē dīcit Jōsēphus! Sortibus ūtāmur! Īnfortūnātus maneat! Ascendāmus in nāvem!

Εὖ λέγει ὁ Ἰώσηπος. Κληρωσώμεθα. Ὁ δυστυχὴς μενέτω. Ἀναβῶμεν εἰς τὴν ναῦν.

I had to search for these buttons to match! But we’re ready to draw lots now!

Orbiculī cōnsimilēs hī quærendī mihi erant! Nunc autem parātī sumus sortibus ūtī!

Ἔδει με ζητεῖν ταῦτα τὰ ὅμοια κομβία. Νῦν δ' ἕτοιμοί ἐσμεν κληροῦσθαι.

Wait! Sweeny is gone! He sneaked away from the ship!

Manē! Suāvis abiit! Ērēpsit ā nāve!

Μένει. Ἡδὺς ἀπελήλυθεν. Ἐξείρπυσεν ἀπὸ τῆς νέως.


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Re: Destination Moon

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Sweeney! Come back!

Goodbye, fellas! Happy trip home! Just do one thing for me: remember me to all the girls, all the girls on Earth!

Suāvis, redī!

Valēte, hominēs! Jūcundum reditum domum! Ūnum prō mē facite: omnēs puellās salūtāte meīs verbīs, omnēs vērō in Terrā!

Ἡδύ, ἐπάνελθε.

Ἔρρωσθε, ἄνθρωποι. Καλὴν ἐπάνοδον οἴκαδε. Ἓν δ' ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ποιεῖτε· ἀσπάζεσθε πᾱ́σας τὰς κόρας παρ' ἐμοῦ, πᾱ́σας δὴ τὰς ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς.

The fool! The glorious, wonderful, heroic fool! We tricked him into the trip in the first place! Now he’s willing to give up his life to let us return safely to Earth! Brooklyn can be proud of him!

Ō stulte! Ō clāre, mīre, fortis stulte! Prīmum quidem illum in profectiōnem indūximus! Nunc autem ipse vult morī ut nōs salvī in Terram redeāmus! Brūclīnum potest eum laudāre!

Ὦ μῶρε. Ὦ λαμπρέ, θαυμαστέ, ἀνδρεῖε μῶρε. Πρῶτον μὲν ἐξηπατήσαμεν ἐκεῖνον τὴν πορείαν. Νῦν δ' αὐτὸς βούλεται ἀποθανεῖν ἵνα ἡμεῖς σῶοι ἐπανέλθωμεν εἰς τὴν Γῆν. Βρουκλῑ́νη ἐπαινοίη ἂν αὐτόν.

Wait! We won’t let him stay here and die! I just figured out a way to get us all safely back to Earth! Listen, Joe! We can get along without the radio and if we get rid of your space suit and magnetic shoes, before you come back in, we’ll be okay! Now, here’s what you do…

Resistite! Ille nōn manēbit hīc moritūrus! Jam jam intellegō quōmodo omnēs salvī in Terram redeāmus! Audī, Jōsēphe! Radiōphōnum nōn est nōbīs necessārium. Sī autem vestem astronauticam calceāmentaque magnētica tua dē mediō sustulerimus antequam inierīs, bene erit! Nunc hæc fac...

Ἵστασθε. Ἐκεῖνος οὐ μενεῖ ἐνταῦθα ἀποθανούμενος. Παραυτίκα συνίημι ὅπως πάντες σῶοι εἰς τὴν Γὴν ἐπάνιμεν. Ἄκουε, Ἰώσηπε. Τὸ ἀκτῑνόφωνον οὐκ ἔστιν ἡμῖν ἀναγκαῖον. Ἐὰν δὲ τὴν ἀστροναυτικὴν στολὴν καὶ τὰ μαγνητικὰ ὑποδήματα σου ἐκ μέσου ἀνέλωμεν, πρὶν ἂν εἰσέλθῃς, εὖ ἔσται. Νῦν δὲ τάδε πρᾶττε..

All right, Joe! Toss out your suit, radio equipment and shoes! You’ll be without air for a minute or two, but we’ll get you inside before you suffocate! Ready?

Sānē, Jōsēphe! Jactā vestem radiōphōnum calceāmenta! Tū quidem sine aere parumper eris, nōs autem tē intrōdūcēmus ante quam suffōcātus eris! Parātus?

Εὖγε Ἰώσηπε. Ῥῖψον τήν τε στολὴν τό τε ἀκτῑνόφωνον καὶ τὰ ὑποδήματα. Σὺ μὲν ἔσῃ ἄνευ ᾱ̓ερὸς ὀλίγον χρόνον, ἡμεῖς δ' εἰσάξομέν σε πρὶν ἂν πνίγῃς. Ἕτοιμος;


He’s in! I guess we took unfair advantage of him, but he’s safe now. We’ll never forget what you did for us, Joe!


Inest! Ille mihi vidētur ā nōbīs injūstē dēceptus esse, nunc autem salvus est. Nec unquam oblīvīscēmur quid prō nōbīs fēcerīs, Jōsēphe!


Ἔνεστιν. Ἐκεῖνος δοκεῖ μοι ὑφ' ἡμῶν ἀδίκως ἐξαπατηθῆναι, νῦν δὲ σῶός ἐστιν. Οὐδέποτε ἐπιλησόμεθα ὅ τι ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἔπρᾱξας, Ἰώσηπε.

Now we can take off safely! Here we go!

We’re off! Back to good old Earth!

Nunc possumus tūtō ēnāvigāre! Ecce, proficīscimur!

Profectī sumus! In optimam Terram!

Νῦν δυνάμεθα ἀσφαλῶς ἀποπλεῖν. Ἰδού, ἀπερχόμεθα.

Ἀπεληλύθαμεν. Εἰς τὴν βελτίστην Γῆν.

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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Page 33

Luckily, since the Moon’s gravity is so light, we don’t have to use nearly as much power to leave!

Fēlīciter gravitās Lūnæ sīc levis est ut nōn opus sit nōbīs tantā potentiā ūtī ad excēdendum!

Εὐτυχῶς ἡ τῆς Σελήνης βαρύτης οὕτω κούφη ἐστὶν ὥστε οὐ δεῖ ἡμᾶς τοσαύτῃ ἰσχύι χρῆσθαι τοῦ ἐξιέναι.


With my communications stuff all tossed out, I’ve got nothing to do! Ho hum! And this return trip is old stuff now!


Īnstrūmentīs tēlecommūnicātiōnis jactātīs, nihil faciendum mihi. Ō Ā! Iste autem reditus bene nōtus est!


Τῶν τῆς τηλεκοινωνίας ὀργάνων ἐρρῑμμένων, οὐδὲν ποιητέον ἔμοιγε. Ὤ ἆ. Αὕτη δ' ἡ ἐπάνοδος εὔγνωστός ἐστιν.

And soon back on Earth..



Hurray for the spaceship Luna and its brave crew!

Daddy, daddy!

He came back! He came back!

Et cōnfestim sūper Terram...


Vīvant astronāvis Diāna ejusque fortēs nautæ!

Pāpa, pāpa!

Rediit, rediit!

Καὶ εὐθὺς ἐπὶ τῆς Γῆς...


Ζήτωσαν τὸ διαστημοπλοῖον Ἄρτεμις καὶ οἱ ἀνδρεῖοι ναῦται αὐτοῦ.

Πάππα, πάππα.

Ἐπανελήλυθεν, ἐπανελήλυθεν.


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Re: Destination Moon

Post by bedwere »

Tōta fābula in Latīnam versa grātīs hīc datur:

Sī autem vultis librum chartāceum emere, īte ad 


Ὁλος ὁ μῦθος εἰς τὴν Ἑλληνικὴν φωνὴν μεταγεγραμμένος ἐνταῦθα εὑρίσκεται.

Εἰ δὲ βούλεσθε ἔκδοσιν ἐκ χάρτου ἴτε πρός 


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