Dictionary of Roman concepts

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Dictionary of Roman concepts

Post by lupusinfabula »

Is there such a thing? Where concepts such as virtures (similar to this https://www2.hawaii.edu/~lanning/maximus.html or ideas in the political sphere such as this: https://historyaffairs.com/understand-t ... -potestas/. And/or other concepts, such as vita activa, vita beata, vita contemplative. Preferably all in one place.

Found one: viewtopic.php?t=71201
Any others?

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Re: Dictionary of Roman concepts

Post by cmw »

Smith's dictionary is great and should be a first stop for most readers. If you have access to the updated version or to the original German, Pauly Wissowa (or New Pauly in English) is a great resource for this type of thing. You might also find various entries related to these concepts in the Oxford Classical Dictionary. The third volume in particular went heavy on concepts over historical trivia (like very minor persons), and their online version is even more comprehensive. These of course, like Smith's you linked to, are also majority Greek, but the Roman side is completely represented as well.

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