A Digitization of the Gospel of Nicodemus in the Original Greek

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A Digitization of the Gospel of Nicodemus in the Original Greek

Post by kylefoley76 »

This is a digitization of the famous Gospel of Nicodemus in the original Greek. This is the one where Christ descends into Hell and sets the sinners free. It was a big hit in the Middle Ages.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BdurfY ... sp=sharing

It was taken from a book published in 1876 by Tischendorff which can be found here:

https://archive.org/details/evangeliaap ... g/mode/2up

The translation of the text was published in 1924 by M.R. James and can easily be found on numerous sites on the internet with a little bit of Googling. But a digitization of only the Greek portion of James translation can be found here:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uQpTWN ... sp=sharing

There is also a Latin translation of the Greek in the Tieschendorff text which I have of scanned. It is actually better, much more vivid and colorful, so you might want to read that if you're so inclined.

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Re: A Digitization of the Gospel of Nicodemus in the Original Greek

Post by jeidsath »

Interesting. I'd never heard of it. I'll give it a read shortly. It starts on page 301 of the Tischendorff volume, and is titled there: "Evangelium Nicodemi Pars II sive Descensus Christi ad Inferos"

I notice an accent issue in the first paragraph of your digitization: should be ζῶντες
“One might get one’s Greek from the very lips of Homer and Plato." "In which case they would certainly plough you for the Little-go. The German scholars have improved Greek so much.”

Joel Eidsath -- jeidsath@gmail.com

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Re: A Digitization of the Gospel of Nicodemus in the Original Greek

Post by kylefoley76 »

Yea, there are a lot of scannoes. I'm glad you find the text intriguing and I'm glad I could be of service to the Ancient Greek speaking community.

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