Greek Verbs, Sentence

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Greek Verbs, Sentence

Post by willcd007 »

How many sentences are there in Acts2:38? Koine Greek.
As you know, to have a sentence you must have a verb (explicit or implied),
each verb forms its own sentence (clause), a self-sufficient sentence is called
main, a sentence that needs another sentence in order to have a complete
meaning is called secondary or subordinate.

Verb, Repent, means "YOU [pl.pers.pron.] All of you MUST repent."
Verb, Baptized, means "YOU [sg.pers.pron.] Each one of you MUST be baptized."
Verb, Receive, means "ALL OF YOU shall receive

"YOU [pl.pers.pron.] ALL OF YOU MUST REPENT eis the remission of sins."
"YOU [sg.pers.pron.] EACH ONE OF YOU MUST BE BAPTIZED epi the name of Christ Jesus."
"ALL OF YOU SHALL RECEIVE the gift of the holy spirit."

Ac 2:38

"YOU [pl.pers.pron.] ALL OF YOU MUST REPENT ...” What result is there?
"YOU [sg.pers.pron.] EACH ONE OF YOU MUST BE BAPTIZED ...” What result is there?
"ALL OF YOU SHALL RECEIVE ...” What result is there?

eis remission of sins; epi the name of Christ Jesus; The gift of the holy spirit

epi the name of Christ Jesus eis remission of sins IS your repentance and each one's baptism and acceptance of the gift of the holy spirit

epi the name of Christ Jesus eis remission of sins "YOU [pl.pers.pron.] ALL OF YOU MUST REPENT and
"YOU [sg.pers.pron.] EACH ONE OF YOU MUST BE BAPTIZED” and ALL OF YOU SHALL RECEIVE the gift of the holy spirit

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