ad id pastores...

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ad id pastores...

Post by Einhard »

Hmmm, this isn't good. I've only been translating Livy for a couple of days, and I'm already heartily fed up! The following line illustrates the cause of my

Et supereat multitudo Albanorum Latinorumque: ad id pastores quoque accesserant qui omnes facile spem facerent parvam Albam, parvum Lavinium prae ea urbe quae conderetur fore

And the population of the Albans and the Latins was excessive: to which the shepards also had to be added, who altogether could easily accomplish hope that little Alba, little Lavinium were going to be[?] in comparision to that city which was built.

I've spent about half an hour staring at that line and racking my brains, and that's the best that I could come up with. It wouldn't be so bad if only it had even a semblance of sense!! Oh well, I'm off for a few paracetemol and a long walk!!

Actually, there's one more line I have to get off my chest before I reach for the paracetemol (or a whiskey!):

Quoniam gemini essent nec aetatis verecundia discrimen facere posset, ut dii, quorum tutelae ea loca essent, auguriis legerent qui nomen novae urbi daret, qui conditam imperio regeret, Palatium Romulus, Remus Aventinum ad inaugurandum templa capiunt

Since the twins were not of an age of respect/reverence, a crisis was able to arise, so that the Gods, under whose protection the region was...they read from the omens who gave his name to the new city, who ruled the built city with authority ...Romulus to the Palatine, Remus to the Aventine in order to take the augaries.

I have a fair idea of what's being said here, but I can't fit it together into a seamless grammatical whole.

BTW, is Livy considered difficult relative to the other Classical authors?

Tertius Robertus
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Re: ad id pastores...

Post by Tertius Robertus »

And the population of the Albans and the Latins was excessive: to which the shepards also had to be added
"were added" or "the shepards added to their numbers" instead of "had to be added"
who altogether could easily accomplish hope
"create hope"
little Lavinium were going to be[?] in comparision to that city which was built
Lavinium and Alba were going to be little in comparision to the city which was (about) to be built.

Quoniam gemini essent nec aetatis verecundia discrimen facere posset,
Since they were twins, and no distinction could be made on account of age,
Palatium Romulus, Remus Aventinum ad inaugurandum templa capiunt
Romulus occupied/choose the palatium, and Remus (occupied/chose) Aventinum, sacred places, so they might take auguries, (continues below)
ut dii, quorum tutelae ea loca essent, auguriis legerent qui nomen novae urbi daret, qui conditam imperio regeret,
so that the gods, whose watch concerned those places, choose by auguries, who was to give name to the city, and who was to reign the city, once built, with authority.

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