auctores fient

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Textkit Zealot
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auctores fient

Post by pmda »

This is from Orberg LLPSI Cap XLII

I'm interested in cases that the Interim-King uses in addressing the Plebs in this paragraph (adapted from Livy) of Orberg LLPSI).

Beginning: "Quirites, regem create! Ita patribus visum est."

he then (it seems) turns to the Patricians but still addressing the Plebs and so beginning in Nominative case says: 'Patres deinde, si regem dignum qui secundus ab Romulo numeretur creaveritis'

But right after the comma he inserts a paranthesis in vocative to address them directly, ' regem dignum.....creaveritis'

then after 'creaveritis', (note the comma) he switches back to third person 'auctores fient.'

The full paragraph below:

Tum interrex, contione advocata, "Quod bonum, faustum felixque sit" inquit, "Quirites, regem create! Ita patribus visum est. Patres deinde, si regem dignum qui secundus ab Romulo numeretur creaveritis, auctores fient."

Then the Interim-King, a gathering having been called, said: "May what is good be fortunate and happy" (I'm guessing. I'm sure there may be a more idiomatic - and more accurate - translation of this), Romans, create a king! In this way it will be before the Patricians. The Patricians then, if the king, deemed worthy to be counted a successor to Romulus, you (i.e. the patricians) would have created, will be the ratifiers.

Do I have this right?

Textkit Neophyte
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Re: auctores fient

Post by Calgacus »

The passage hinges on the sense of visum est, which here is almost the equivalent of placuit; that clause (ita patribus visum est) could be rendered roughly as "such is the decision that the elders/senators have made". Often with videtur ("it seems") there is the extra sense of "it seems right", as in Virgil's phrase dis aliter visum (est).

And so the 2nd person plur. subject of the later creaveritis is indeed the commoners, not the patres.

Textkit Zealot
Posts: 1341
Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 am

Re: auctores fient

Post by pmda »

Calgacus, a belated thanks for this help.

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