inde exercitu victore...

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Textkit Zealot
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inde exercitu victore...

Post by pmda »

Here's some Latin I've parsed and translated - from Orberg's LLPSI Cap XLII.

Inde exercitu victore reducto, ipse spolia ducis hostium prae se gerens in
[/i][From there the army led back by the victor, he himself carrying before him the arms of the enemy leader...]

Capitolium escendit, ibique cum spolia opima [spolia opima = spolia duci
[/i][...ascended the Capitol and there at the sacred oak where he would have…]
hostium occiso erepta]

ad quercum sacram deposuisset, simul cum dono fines
[/i][placed the seized arms of the fallen leader, at the same time with the gifts]

templo Iovis designavit cognomenque addidit deo: 'Iuppiter Feretri!' inquit,
[/i][he determined the grounds of the temple of Jupiter and added to the god the name..Jupiter Feretrius]

'Haec tibi victor Romulus rex regia arma fero templumque hoc loco voveo, quo
[/i][I, the victor king Romulus, bring these royal arms to you and the temple in this place I consecrate to you, ]

posteri, me auctorem sequentes, regibus ducibusque hostium caesis, opima
[by which my descendants following my authority, will with the defeat of kings and generals ]

spolia ferent.'
carry (to you)]

I'm having trouble with ' quercum sacram deposuisset, simul cum dono fines templo Iovis designavit'

'..with the gifts he determined the grounds of the temple of Jupiter...' ??

Textkit Zealot
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Re: inde exercitu victore...

Post by Qimmik »

exercitu victore reducto -- "after the victorious army had been led back . . . " Human agnecy is usually expressed by the preposition a with ablative of agent in Latin prose, so victore probably is appositive to exercitu.

ibique cum spolia opima duce [is this omitted from your post?] hostium occiso erepta ad quercum sacram deposuisset, simul cum dono fines templo Iovis designavit

"when he had laid down before the sacred oak tree the spolia opima taken from the dead leader of the enemy, he drew boundaries for a temple of Jupiter at the same time as [simul cum] [he made] the gift i.e., the gift of the spolia opima . . . "

regibus ducibusque hostium caesis -- "after the kings and leaders of the enemy have been killed".

Textkit Zealot
Posts: 1341
Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 am

Re: inde exercitu victore...

Post by pmda »

Gratias tibi ago.

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