Colloquendi formulae: Tabula secunda

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Colloquendi formulae: Tabula secunda

Post by Franmorar »


On health. De valetudine. Περὶ τῆς ὑγιείας (ἕξεως).

How are you? How do you feel? Ut vales? Πῶς ἔχεις;

Are you been in good health? Usque valuisti? Ἀεὶ εὐεκτήσας;

What disease are you suffering from? Qui (quis) te habet morbus? Τίνι νόσῳ λαμβάνῃ;

Where have you contracted that illness? Unde istum morbum contraxisti? Ὁπόθεν ταύτην τὴν νόσον ἐκτήσω;

I’m fine, alright (I’ve got better). Bene (melius) mihi est. Καλῶς (ῥᾴων) ἔχω τὸ σῶμα.

I’m a little better. Meliuscule mihi est. Κουφότερον ἔχω ἐκ τῆς νοσήματος.

I’m not fine yet. I’m not totally recovered from my illness. Non plane a morbo convalui. Οὐ παντελῶς ἐκ τῆς νόσου ἀνήνεγκον.

I don’t feel very good. Minus belle me habeo. Ἧττον καλῶς ἔχω.

I have never felt so good. Sic valeo ut nunquam melius. Οὗτως εὐεκτῶ ὡς οὐδέποτε βέλτιον.

What has become of Francis? Is he fine? Quid Franciscus? salvus est? Τί Φραγκίσκος; καλῶς ἔχει;

How is he? What is he doing? Ut valet? quid agit? Πῶς ἔχει; τί πράττει;

Are all of you fine at home? Rectene apud vos? Ut valetur domi vestrae? Ἦ καλῶς παρ’ ὑμῖν; Πῶς ἔχουσιν οἴκοι;

He is fine. He is in good health. He feels good. Est ipsi recte. Belle se habet. Recte valet. Commoda utitur valetudine. Valetudine bona (optima) est affectus. Καλῶς ἔχει [τὸ σῶμα]. Εὖ ἔχει [τὸ σῶμα]. Τὴν ἕξιν ἔῤῥωσται.

He is not fine. He doesn’t feel good. Minus valet. Κακῶς ἔχει.

He is ill. Tenet eum morbus. Aegrotat. Morbo laborat. Νοσεῖ. Νόσον ἀσθενεῖ. Χαλεπῶς ἔχει ὑπὸ τοῦ νοσήματος.

He is seriously ill. He is so ill, that he has to stay in bed. Aeger gravi morbo decumbit. Ἐπὶ κλίνης κοιμᾶται σφόδρα νοσῶν.

He got ill. He fell ill. In morbum delapsus est. Morbo correptus est. Νόσῳ περιέπεσε. Εἰς ἀσθένειαν ἐνέπεσε. Νόσῳ ἐλήφθη.

He is getting worse. Ingravescit morbus. Ἡ νόσος ἐπιτείνεται.

He had a very delicate health. Perdita erat valetudine. Illi erat infirma valetudo. Ἀῤῥώστως ἔσχε. Παντάπασιν ἀσθενὴς (ἦν) τῷ σώματι.

He is feverish, he has a fever. In febrim incidit. Εἰς πυρετὸν ἔπεσε.

He is prone to be feverish. Proclivis [est] ad febrim. Πρὸς πυρετὸν ἐνέμπτωτος (ἐστί).

His fever has totally ceased. Febris ex toto evasit (quievit). Παντάπασι ὁ πυρετὸς ἐχάλασε.

I feel nauseous, sick. Nauseo. Nausea (abl.) sum affectus. Ναυτιάω.

I don’t feel sick anymore. Nausea plane abiit. Οὐ νῦν ναυτιάω.

I’m suffering from colic. Ex intestinis laboro. Κωλικεύομαι.

His nose is bleeding. Sanguis ei naribus manat (fluit). Naribus sanguinem emittit. Τὴν ῥῖνα αἱμορραγεῖ.

His eyes hurt. Ex oculis laborat. Ὀφθαλμιᾷ (-άει).

His eyes don’t hurt any more. Ab oculis valet. Ἐκ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν ὑγιάζεται.

I have a toothache. Dens dolet. Dens dolores movet. Ὀδονταλγέω.

His joints hurt. He is suffering from gout. Magnos articulorum dolores habet. Μεγάλα νοσεῖ τὰ ἄρθρα.

He fainted. Animus eum defecit. Ἐπέλιπε τοῦτον τὸ πνεῦμα. Ἐλειποψύχησε.

To look after one’s health. Valetudini consulere (servire). Τῆς ὑγιείας ἐπιμελεῖσθαι.

To recover from a disease. E (a) morbo emergere (recreari). Ἐκ νόσου ἀναλαμβάνειν. Ἐκ τῆς ἀσθενείας ἀνίστασθαι. Ῥαΐζειν, ἀναῤῥαΐζειν.
Last edited by Franmorar on Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Colloquendi formulae: Tabula secunda

Post by bedwere »

Franmorar wrote: He is not fine. He don’t feel good. Minus valet. Κακῶς ἔχει.
Hic autem scribe:
Ἐνταῦθα δὲ γράψον·



Vale! Ἔρρωσο.

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Re: Colloquendi formulae: Tabula secunda

Post by Franmorar »

Exoptate Bedverie, iterum tibi plurimas ago gratias. Mendum corrigendum correctum est. Multum vale.

Ὦ φίλτατε Βεδουέριε, πάλιν σοι εύχαριστῶ. Τὸ πταῖσμά μου ἤδη διώρθωκα. Ἔρρωσο.
Hominibus totam versandam constat esse bibliothecam, ut solam utilem scribere sententiam possint.

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