apostrophy mark at the end of a word

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apostrophy mark at the end of a word

Post by Junya »


I'm stuck with a word eklimpanei'.
I don't know why there is an apostrophy mark there.
Why ?

Here is the sentence which includes it.

+ eph' : + gen. : in the time of --- in the time of the ancients, in the time of Cyros / on the occasion of / (+ gen. of person) in presence of, before
+ ho^n : = ta noe^ta
+ oun
+ ekleipei : ekleipo^ : (intransitive) to die / (intransitive) to leave off, cease, stop / (intransitive) to fail, be wanting
+ he^
+ aisthe^sis
+ , (comma)
+ kai
+ he^
+ toiaute^
+ episte^me^
+ eklimpanei' : eklimpano^ = ekleipo^
+ . (period)

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