πάθος in the thought of Aristotle

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πάθος in the thought of Aristotle

Post by guilingchang »

I'm an undergraduate in China, and I'm processing my final essay on the topic about αἴσθησις κοινή (sensus communis) in the thought of Aristotle and Aquinas.
Something really bother me is the sentence in On Memory and Recollection 450a10:
φάντασμα τῆς κοινῆς αἰσθήσεως πάθος ἐστίν.
(image is an affection of the common sense faculty. (Loeb))
the word πάθος seems to be very important to understand the relationship between image and common sense faculty.
But how to understand the word "πάθος"?
The materials I've collected:
German edition of De Anima, using Affekt(Eingenschaft);
As the saying of Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, also Eigenschaft;
quote of Aquinas: phantasticum et memorativum sunt passiones primi sensitivi (St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, volume11, Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.136);
A Japanese Translation: “表象像は共通感覚の一様態である”(アリストテレス全集6:霊魂論・自然学小論集・気息について 副島民雄訳・岩波書店1988年3刷・ページ226)
But I'm still not quite sure about the realationship between image and commen sensefaculty.
The core is, I don't know whether the discription of Aristotle is the same of that from Avecinna, the later refered this relationship in his De Anima Ch.4,1.
Sincere Thanks.

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