Translation to latin

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Translation to latin

Post by Boban »

Is my translaton of sentences to latin ok?

1) We are talking about collapse of ancient Troy.

De ruina Troiae antique narramus.

2) Greeks are heading into Asia and there they are fighting with (against) Trojans.

Graeci in Asia navigant et ibi contra Troianos contendunt.

Kynetus Valesius
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Post by Kynetus Valesius »

Dear Boban

Before I get to the translations I'd like to make a few comments. First, of all it is good thing that your whole class isn't writing us or we'd be swamped. Second, I am wondering about your engagement with our subject matter. I am wondering, if when your requirement to learn a little latin has been completed, you will then drop the matter for the rest of your life? Or, in the alternative, whether you actually love latin with all your heart and plan on cultivating it for the long-term? If the latter answer better describes what is driving you, I for one am willing to provide free homework help if not to the end of time at least for a while. Kindly think about it.

Now let's get to your sentences.

You wrote, "De ruina Troiae antique narramus."
This sentence is okay except for one missing letter. Thus, I would write: "De ruina Troiae AntiquAe narramus." Remember, the noun and the adjective must agree in number, gender, and case if the adjective is modifying the noun. I might also use the verb "loqui" instead of "narrare". Thus: "Loquimur de ruina Troiae antiquae" ; however, if your class hasn't covered deponent verbs yet you may be giving yourself away.

You wrote "Graeci in Asia navigant et ibi contra Troianos contendunt. First of all Asia has to be in the accusative because the Greeks are going into Asia and whenever motion towards is intended, the accusative must be used. Second of all "contendere" can mean mean both "rush to" or "fight with". Thus, I might write:

"Graeci in Asiam contendunt et ibi CUM Troianis pugnant."

One thing, Boban, that I'd suggest is that you read the model sentences in your textbook very carefully before you attempt to do the translation exercises. This is because there are lots of words for "to go" and lots of words for "to fight" in latin. But at your stage, you are not expected to know all of these, just the ones that have been introduced to you. So look in the sample sentences that usually precede the translation exercises to try to figure out what words you should be choosing. I hope this has been of some help to you. Regards. Kynetus

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Post by Boban »

First of all, thanks for help.

Secondly, I would like to reply at your comments.

I am not in school and I am not doing homework for school. I am learning latin by myself and because of that I need someone who knows latin better than me to help me by correcting me at where I make errors. If you don't want to help me, then don't look at my messages and don't answer them. Otherwise, I will appreciate help from you and everyone on this forum who is willing to read and reply to my messages and I think that is what the forum is.
Your remarks are a little rude and you have almost said to me that I don't even post replies anymore but I am not angry and I will ignore that kind of opinion and I will post messages free as anyone in hope that I will get a replies to them.

Regards, Boban.

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Post by edonnelly »

It looks to me that your posts are completely appropriate and follow well our rules. The most important thing is to give your own attempts, and it looks like you always do that, so I would not worry. Post away! -- we are here to learn.

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Post by Boban »

Thanks, edonnelly.

I have read the rules of posting messages and I think i am following them, it was really odd to me message by Kynetus Valesius.

Kynetus Valesius
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Post by Kynetus Valesius »

Dear Boban

I'm tring to write this letter for a second time - apparently the first iteration didn't make it onto the forum somehow.

Although I certainly didn't intend to offend you, it's clear that I did so. If anything I wrote was condescending, overly probing, or otherwise offensive, I ask your pardon. Or as we might say: mihi ignosce, quaeso; me miserum!

What I was trying to do, rather obnoxiously I see now, was gather a sense of where you were coming from. Furthermore, I see that what I supposed to be true - that you were a student etc.- was completely false. As unpleasant as the exchange has been for you (and me as well), at least now I know that you are an enthusiast. As opposed to something else.

Once again, I am sorry.

Kynetus "needs-moderation" Valesius

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Post by Boban »

It's ok, I am not angry that much! :)

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