translation help

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translation help

Post by boloman »

Pax vobis,

As an exercise, I translate my relatives' postcards into Latin. How did I do on this one from my grand son?

Ad mare in Cameronem oppidibusque Holly Littorem itineret. Multas palus erit, ex quos populos pisces comportet. Uxor meam adductis student piscatoribus non possent.Ad civitate Lafayettem profiscitur. Visitet oppido Cajunes superioribus,Vermillionville, videt domus et naves et machines agricolibus suos. Pisces fritusque frumentari cibus nostris facent. Post media die, ex tempesta, visitet domus Moutonem,agricola et principe Louisianorum duas seculis anteriores, nobilissimus et ditissimus.Armes filius Moutonem, praetor Confederationibus, in proelium interfectus, videt. In Vermillionville et domus Moutonibus, videt calixes minores pro cafem.

(I went to see the sea at the towns of Cameron and Holly Beach. The area was marshy, and the locals fish these marshes extensively. I could not convince my wife to let me fish.I went to the city of Lafayette. I visited the traditional Cajun village Vermillionville, to see their houses, boats, and farm implements. We ate fried fish, maize, and rice.In the afternoon, during a storm, we visited the house of Mouton, a very rich and distinguished farmer and governor of Louisiana from two centuries ago. I saw the weapons belonging to Mouton's son, a Confederate general, killed in battle. In both places, I saw nice demitasses for coffee.)

Hope this wasn't too long... Gratia vobis

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