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My answers to Schoder & Horrigan course, Lesson 108

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:40 pm
by huilen
Index of lessons

Lesson 108


1. name: dat. pl. = ὄνομα ὀνόματος
2. ἅψαι = to catch fire; to fasten
3. before = πρόσθεν
4. vapor: gen. pl = ἀϋτμὰων
5. τάχα = quickly
6. thick: n. pl. acc. = παχέα
7. ὀφρύων = of the eyebrows


1. Translate ἥσατο δ' αἰνῶς = he was greatly pleased.
2. In line 215, identify ᾔτεε = he asked (augmented αἰτέε).
3. In line 219, explain σφιν = to them.
4. In line 222, explain ἀφραδίῃσιν = by his (own) folly (lit: follies).
5. In line 224, identify προσηύδων = addressing (augmented form of προσαύδων)
6. Translate δός μοι ξεῖνιον = give a guest gift to me!
7. In line 234, identify ᾕρει = he seized (contr. and augmented of αἱρέε).
8. In line 238, explain ἀναδύη = optative of a second purpose construction.
9. Translate μόχλος μέλεεν ἄψασθαι = the stake was ready to catch fire.
10. In line 256, explain σμερδαλέον = dreadfully (adverb).
11. With what simil does Homer describe the wounding of Cyclops' eye? = with the simile of the shipbuilder using the drill.
12. To what does he likes the sound of the burning eyeball? = To the sound of the hot metal suddenly plunged into water.