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FGB Para 173 - Passage "He continues to collect Forces&

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 8:20 pm
by gnosomai
Hi All<br /><br />I am a beginner and I have been going through First Greek Book own my own. I'm at the point in the lessons where I'm starting to encounter some difficulty and I ask for your help.<br /><br />This is from page 43 Paragraph 173, first 2 lines:<br /><br />[size=18=18]ἄλλους δὲ στρατιώτας κύρῳ ἤθροιζε κλέαρχος ὁ λακεδαιμόνιος ἑν χερρονήσῳ. τούτῳ γάρ ὡς φίλῳ παρέσχε μυρίους δαρεικούς<br /><br />My translation:<br />Clearchus, a Spartan in Chersonese collected other soldiers for Cyrus. For he supplied this friend with ten thousand Darics.<br /><br />Problems:<br />I'm not sure I'm using the dative correctly here??<br /><br />~ gnosomai<br /><br /><br /><br />

Re:FGB Para 173 - Passage "He continues to collect Forc

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 2:11 am
by annis
Your translations of both datives look correct to me.<br /><br />Was there something in particular you were concerned about?<br />

Re:FGB Para 173 - Passage "He continues to collect Forc

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 9:20 am
by Ptolemaios
Just two comments:<br />1. [size=150]ἑν χερρονήσῳ doesn't belong with Clearchus, but with [size=150]ἤθροιζε, so it should be 'collected in Cherronesos'.<br />2. At the beginning of sentence 2, you haven't translated [size=150]ὡς; it should be 'For he supplied him as a friend' &c. 'as a friend' of course belongs to 'him', another possible translation would be 'because he was his friend'.<br /><br />Ptolemaios

Re:FGB Para 173 - Passage "He continues to collect Forc

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:18 pm
by gnosomai
thank you both!<br /><br />I sensed trouble with this passage because I did not translate it as quickly as the others and I was slower to see how the dative was being used. I really had to work through it and it took me quite some time, although now looking back on it the sentence looks very basic.<br /><br />[size=150]τούτῳ gave me the most trouble because it seems to be used so often and can have so many meanings. I'm guessing that in this passage it was the dative of means????? "He did this because" or "he did this for".<br /><br />On the one hand, it is so exciting to see how the dative is used in all these very different ways, but on the other, it is so hard for me to keep it all straight.<br /><br />Thanks again - I am still reading Greek!<br /><br />~gnosomai