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JWW exercises, para 283, 285, 293, 295, 309, 311

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 6:57 am
by Koala
some further translation suggestions -

1 the river is called Maiandros
2 the commander was waging an unjust war
3 you are treating the friends of Cyrus badly
4 for the soldiers used-to-love these rulers more than the others
5 Proxenos was not being wronged by Cyrus
6 you were ravaging the country of the satrap
7 with (the) shouting they create fear in the horses
8 again Cyrus asked, ?Was-I/were-they harming the man??
9 he shows that it is difficult to lead the army into Greece
10 on behalf of Greece I was waring with the others; but when Cyrus began-to-call, I proceeded/went to him

Cyrus had sent for Clearchus, but he did not want to go, and without the knowledge of the soldiers, sending him a messenger, bade him be of good courage/sent him a messenger to bid him be of good cheer.
After these things he gathers the soldiers and shows that it is impracticable to enter Greece again without supplies - for the market was in the barbarian camp. They ask Cyrus if the way is long ? but he answers that Abrocomas, a man who is his enemy, is on the Euphrates river ? towards him he therefore wants to advance.

1 the rulers are well-disposed to Cyrus
2 Cyrus was faithful to his well-disposed friends
3 sincere was the word of the guard
4 the gifts were golden necklaces
5 Cyrus sends each hoplite five minas
6 what do you have in mind?
7 at that time these were the first on the land and in the sea
8 the sheilds were of bronze
9 we sent him gifts ? a golden necklace and a silver short-sword
10 he made war with the Thracians by land and sea

The soldiers have suspicions that he is leading them to Artaxerxes ? nevertheless they follow. They demand a reward in addition. Cyrus promises each soldier in turn three half darics; that he intends/has-in-mind to proceed against his brother, no one there hears (it spoken of), at least publicly.
In Tarsus, Suennesis gave Cyrus money for the army, and Cyrus gave him a horse, (and) a golden collar, (and) an armlet and short-sword of gold.

1 Cyrus made fine use of the horses
2 if they did these things, it was well
3 if they had done these things, it would have been well
4 Xenophon was-wanting/wanted to go with the others
5 he has led the way into the plain for the army
6 he wanted to send hoplites from the van/front-ranks
7 he was trying to prevail-upon/persuade the general
8 if Clearchus does not want to lead them back/away, other generals will guide them
9 if he had an army, he would proceed against the enemy
10 but, if they want to proceed into Greece with the others, he orders them to come by night

From there he marches on five days journey, thirty parasangs, to Issus. There they remain three days; and there came to Cyrus thirty five ships from the Peloponnesus and on them the Spartan sea-captain Pythagoras. The ships were lying at anchor by Cyrus? camp. There was also Chirisophus, the Spartan, sent for by Cyrus, having/who-had seven hundred hoplites ? these he commanded at the side of Cyrus.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:16 pm
by Skylax
A few remarks, because almost all is right.


1. « was called » : « is called », « they call », otherwise ἐκαλεῖτο
10. « began-to-call » : yes, inchoative imperfect is mentioned by Smyth, section 1900, but I am not comfortable with this concept (it is maybe a « ghost imperfect »), as an inchoative aorist does exist. Someday I will try to clear it up.


ἄγγελον is more likely a (human) messenger


8. slings : shields


« three and a half darics » : I don’t understand. In my mind, Cyrus promises « instead of 1 daric three half-darics » , it is 1.5 daric(s), a 50% raise of pay.
« gave heed to » : if it means « no one hears (heard) of », I agree (French : « personne ne l’en entend (entendit) parler », du moins en public).


(No remarks)

A bientôt j'espère.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:51 pm
by Koala
thank you again, Skylax

the passages are perceptibly becoming a little more complex - I'll need to keep a sharp eye out

mais puis-je me débrouiller?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:41 pm
by Skylax
Koala wrote: mais puis-je me débrouiller?
Comme on dit chez nous : mais vous vous débrouillez comme un chef !

Yes, of course, you did a fine job !