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Passivie voice I find R ris tur rather arresting

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:31 am
by Turendil
I would like if someone would be willing a better explanation of the passive voice. I undestand the concept the subject is being acted upon by the verb. however I find the expanations of using the verb to be in the form of being (you are being etc) are interfearing with my translation. Please help me with a work around?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:05 am
by Goals
Are you talking about the present, passive, active? If so then I hope this helps:

To form it you take the stem (infinitive minus the -re) and add these endings:



In Enlish we have two ways of saying the present passive. For example with the verb "to carry":

I am carried, I am being carried
you are caried, you are being carried
He is carried, he is being carried

In English these forms require a form of the verb "to be" as auxiliary (helper) verbs. It does not mean that to translate English into Latin you need to use "esse".

Portor = I am being carried, I am carried
Portori = You (s) are being carried, You (s) are carried

Ab femina portor.
I am being carried by the woman.

Does that help? Any more questions?