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omnis, acer and potens

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:21 am
by solitario
I know it is a lot, but I'm frightened by this omnis, acer and potens from chapter 16 and was wondering if I was doing this properly.
Many thanks to whoever checks this. :)
omnis amīcus = every friend
omnis homō = every man
omnis rēgīna = every queen
omnis māter = every mother
omne bellum = every war (nom. OR acc.)
omne animal = every animal
ācer amīcus = keen friend
ācer homō = keen man
ācris rēgīna = keen queen
ācris māter = keen mother
ācre bellum = fierce war (nom. OR acc.)
ācre animal = fierce animal
potēns amīcus = powerful friend
potēns homō = powerful man
potēns rēgīna = powerful queen
potēns māter = powerful mother
potēns bellum = powerful war
potēns animal = powerful animal
omnī fōrmae = every form (dat.)
omnī animō = every spirit (dat. or abl.)
omnī hominī = every man (dat.)
omnī urbī = every city (dat.)
omnī marī = every sea (dat. OR abl.)
in omnī fōrmā = in every form (abl.)
in omnī animō = in every spirit (dat. OR abl.)
in omnī homine = in every man (abl.)
in omnī urbe = in every city (abl.)
in omnī marī = in every sea (dat. OR abl.)
omnium fōrmārum = all the forms (gen. pl.)
omnium animōrum = all the spirits (gen. pl.)
omnium urbium = all the cities (gen. pl.)
omnium marium = all the seas (gen. pl.)

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:52 am
by phil
Well done as far as I can see. The only (minor) thing is where you have in omni animo = in every spirit (dat. OR abl.) and in omni mari = in every sea (dat. OR abl.) - in can only be followed by acc or abl, not dative as far as I know. You are right - omni animo can be dat or abl, but not in omni animo

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:01 am
by solitario
Ah. I didn't know that.
Multas gratias, phil. :D